
Since I am part of the 20% who pay 80% of the taxes, shouldn't my vote count more? ?

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I've been reading a lot about how democrats and liberals insist that a "fair tax" is unfair. As if everybody paying the same percentage of their income is unfair!

So how about this: Since I am a part of the top 20% of income earners who pay over 80% of the taxes in this country, shouldn't my vote count more since me and other's like me are the one's paying for everything?




  1. you are paying for anything. You are robbing the poor and using that money to pay the taxes, while you save your money.

  2. Nope.

    Please quite complaining

  3. Amazing - ignore the Constitution when it comes to the "rich" and  ***** and moan about democracy in the same breath.  Libs walk around with blinders on.  Here's a quote to chew on "There are none so blind as those who won't see."

  4. Nope you should shut up and be glad that the people who you walked over to get where you are haven't put a hit on you yet.

  5. Do you want to back to 19th Century? Everyone is equal under the law and everyone gets an equal voice for what laws to pass and to implement.  

  6. You knew they wouldn't get the point when you wrote that didn't you?  Their Robin Hood syndrome just won't let them accept that it isn't fair to tax success.  

  7. odds are.. you use more of the nations resources...

    you get grants for business... you use employees educated in the school system... you get better police and fire services...

    so no...

  8. No, the Bible tells us that to whom much is given, much is expected.  It is all God's money.  But what do I know, I am only a Liberal Christian.

  9. You should find more tax shelters.

  10. For those who claim to be Christians, I see a lot of covetous behavior and you will not find it in the Bible where we are told to give most of our income to the government and call that charity. Charity is from the individual not government.

    Those espousing equal protection to protect "democracy", don't even understand we are a Constitutional Republic. One Constitutional act does not make up for a thousand Un-Constitutional acts by our government.

    We should not even have a direct tax system where the government uses it as a form of social control over the masses. I say abolish the income tax and go back to funding only what is enumerated in the Constitution. That could easily be accomplished with Duties, Imposts and Excises.

  11. Absolutely not. One person, one vote. Its called democracy. Without our democratic system you would not be where you are today, you should be more than willing to give back to the country that provided your means to succeed.

  12. Well, since that same 20% make about 92% of all the income, your actually underpaying your taxes by about 12%.

    If as a group you make 90% of all money earned, you SHOULD pay 90% of taxes.  Its fun to toss numbers around like you did, to make stuff look unfair to you....but when you use ALL the relevant numbers we see a much different picture, huh?

    Quit complaining and pay that last 12% you still owe, you commie.  Only a communist refuses to pay his fair share...

  13. America should not be a country that caters to the rich....

    We don't care that you have to pay so much in are more than likely overpaid in the first place.

  14. While I agree that a "fair tax" is fair, your idea of your vote counting more because you pay more in taxes would be considered a form of poll tax, which is unconstitutional.

  15. Sounds as fair as the liberal idea of a fair tax.   If you are gonna pay a higher percentage of your income as taxes your voice should definitely be a larger presence.  And what about services?  I think you might deserve better police and fire protection, since you are paying more.

    Seriously, Truth, it is God's money, not Caesars.  And it is what God expects of Christians.  Caesar isn't supposed to force God's Will on us.

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