
Since I had to change over from breast milk to formula my baby's pee started smelling

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And it's quite a penetrating smell.

Have other mum's experienced this with their baby or should I consider that baby might have something wrong with him?

We're going to the doctor this coming week, so I will mention it to him no matter what as well.





  1. It's totally normal. Once they are on formula, their p**p will start smelling differently, too. Then it changes again when you start them on solids.  

  2. I am not sure about urine, but baby poo from babies that drink from formula spells rather disgusting, but from babies that are breastfed it is a lot less penetrating.  

    Unsure about urine though.

  3. I don't recall my daughters urine smelling bad.  There is a slight chance he may have a UTI, which can cause more concentrated, "smelly" urine.  Maybe you could call the doc if your appt. is after Monday.  Could be nothing, but it's better to be safe then sorry.  If he has a UTI, he may also have a fever and be irritable, but not always.  Good Luck!

  4. The truth is formula is not as healthy as breast milk so it will make there pee and poo smell bad.

  5. SamieJamie's comment was not a judgement; it is fact. It is true that formula is not as healthy for the baby as breastmilk is. A judgement would be something like, "you are a bad mom for feeding formula." She did not say that at all. I am sorry you are not able to continue to breastfeed and can understand you are upset and defensive, but she did not judge you.

    I imagine changes in pee smell and p**p consistency are normal with ANY diet change, whether it's breastmilk to formula, or starting solids, or anything else. I would ask your pediatrician, but I bet it's normal. Good luck.

  6. NOT normal. Call the pedi and see if you need to take her in sooner. Urine shoudl be almost clear and have very little smell. She is probably dehydrated. I don;t understand why but it seems to be more common in formula fed babies.

  7. Is it very yellow? He could be dehydrated. Generally baby pee only smells strongly when they are dehydrated or have an infection. Just switching to formula alone shouldn't make it smell badly.

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