
Since Jesus walked on water, turned it into wine, healed the sick, gave sight to the blind.......?

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and fed 5,000 people with only two fish and 1 loaf of bread, exactly what did Muhammad do? Muslims seem to think Jesus was only a "normal" prophet. So exactly how can a "normal" prophet pull all that off? All I see is one explanation: he is INDEED the Son of God. Some seem to think that Muhammad was God's GREATEST prophet. So if he's greater than Jesus, in what way would that be explained?




  1. Jesus told us that many false prophets would come after Him and even perform "miracles" in His name.  That doesn't make them anything but charlatans.  Peace and blessings to you for trying to help the poor and lost, however.

  2. All miracales were done by God to let people believe that Jesus was

    representative of  God ( Messenger od God)  and not done by Jesus


    Ask Jewish Rabis whether Moses split the ocean for Jews to cross it  or God split the ocean? See what they say.

    Majority of you Christians don't know your own religion. You just believe on the lies your preaches tell you  to get checks from you.

    May God guide you all to the truth and lighten your eyes and your

    misguided hearts.

  3. I love how Muslims say Muhammad had miracles when the Qu'ran says he didn't.

    Am I but a messenger? Was Muhammad's reply when asked to preform a miracle.

    So either the Qu'ran is wrong or Muslims are wrong.

  4. Muslims don't think Jesus was just a "normal" prophet. We believe every prophet came down with miracles and were messengers of God. Jesus, however, is not God. The Bible clearly states that there is one God, and only one. Not God, Jesus, and the Holy spirit. Jesus came down with the Bible and guided his people to the straight path. The Bible has been manipulated by man and currently has hundreds of versions. Muhammad was sent to brin all those who were lead astray to the right path once more, with the holy Quran.

    Notorious? All people like to come up with against Muslims is Muhammad marrying a 9 year old. She had already passed the age of puberty as did many girls at that time. I don't care who disagrees, but look back 100 years from today and girls were getting married at the age of 14. My grandmothers from both my mom and dad's side were 13 when they got married, 14 when they had their first child. And one of them wasn't even an Arab, she was born and raised in Cambodia. So regardless of what you hear, woman matured much sooner than girls these days. I don't see anyone making a big deal about 11 and 12 year old girls getting pregnant before marriage and having tons of premarital s*x. My little sister went to a school where it was common to see girls  pregnant at the age of 12 and 13.  Keep in mind, that was 1400 years ago, nothing like today.


    To the last two answerers, wow...some good examples of Muslims you are!

  5. What is the prove he did perform those mitacles?  

  6. Oh dear

    had u asked the question in a proper manner i would have explained it to you

  7. The miracles of our Holy Prophet, peace be on him, are not mere stories. By obeying the Holy Prophet, peace be on him, we experience those signs ourselves and through the blessings of observation and experience we arrive at complete certainty. How high is the status of that perfect and Holy Prophet whose Prophethood always furnishes fresh proof to seekers, and by the blessings of witnessing continuous signs, we arrive at the stage where we see God Almighty with our own eyes, as it were. Thus true religion is that and the true Prophet is he, the fresh spring of whose truth should always be witnessed. To rely upon mere stories which are subject to all kinds of exceptions does not commend itself to the wise. Hundreds of people have been deified in the world and they are believed in on the basis of hundreds of old tales, but the truth is that the true miracle worker is he the river of whose miracles never dries up. That person is our lord and master the Holy Prophet, peace be on him. In every age, God Almighty has raised someone to display the signs of that perfect and holy one. In this age He has sent me with the title of Promised Messiah. Signs are being shown from heaven and all sorts of extraordinary events are coming to pass. Every seeker after truth can come and stay with me and witness these signs, whether he is a Christian or a Jew or an Arya. All these are the blessings of our Holy Prophet, peace be on him [Kitabul Bariyyah, (Qadian, Ziaul Islam Press 1898); Now printed in Ruhani Khazain (London, 1984), Vol. 13, pp. 37-139, footnote].  

  8. Miracles of Prophet Muhammed


    Unlike the miracles of Jesus and other prophets, The miracles of our Prophet Muhammed have been narrated throught hadiths, with an unbroken chain of narration. Therefore the miracles reported in our hadiths are more authentic than any account ever given of any miracles attributed to any prophet before, i.e. in the bible. Below are only some of the miracles the prophet Muhammed (p) performed.

    Healing the Sick

    Abdullah ibn Ateek broke his leg and Muhammad healed it by wiping his hand over it. Abdullah said it was as if nothing had happened to it! The person who witnessed the miracle was another companion, Bara’ ibn Azib (Sahih Al-Bukhari)

    During the expedition of Khyber, Muhammad healed the painful eyes of Ali ibn Abi Talib in front of a whole army. Ali, many years later, became the fourth caliph of Muslims

    The Flowing of Water

    On more than one occasion when people were in dire need of water, the blessing of the Muhammad saved them. In the sixth year after the he migrated from Mecca to Medina, Muhammad went to Mecca for pilgrimage. In the long journey through the desert, people ran out of all water, only the Prophet was left with a vessel with which he performed ablution for prayers. He put his hand in vessel, water began flowing from between his fingers. Jabir bin Abdullah, who witnessed the miracle, says of the fifteen hundred men, ‘We drank it and made ablution. (Sahih Bukhari)


    Answered Prayers

    Jarir ibn Abdullah was commissioned by the Prophet to rid the land of an idol worshipped besides God, but he complained he was could not ride a horse well! The Prophet prayed for him, ‘O God, make him a strong horseman and make him one is guides and is guided.’ Jarir testifies he never fell off his horse after the Prophet prayed for him (Sahih Muslim)

    Splitting of the Moon

    One of the times when God performed miracles at the hand of the Prophet was when the Meccans demanded to see a miracle from Muhammad to show his truthfulness. God split the moon in two separate halves and then re-joined them. The Quran recorded the event: “The Last Hour draws near, and the moon is split asunder!” (Quran 54:1)

    Prophet Muhammad would recite these verses of the Quran in large congregations of the weekly Friday prayer and the bi-annual Eed prayers.Had the event never occurred, Muslims themselves would have doubted their religion and many would have left it! The Meccans would have said, ‘Hey, your prophet is a liar, the moon never split, and we never saw it split!’ Instead, the believers grew stronger in their faith and the only explanation the Meccans could come up with was, ‘passing magic!’

    “The Last Hour draws near, and the moon is split asunder! And if they see a sign (miracle), they turn away and say, ‘Passing magic!’- for they are bent on giving it the lie, being always wont to follow their own desires.” (Quran 54:1-3)

    The splitting of the moon is confirmed through eye-witness testimony transmitted through an unbroken chain of reliable scholars so many that is it impossible that it could be false (hadith mutawatir) it is not likely that a large number of people in lands close by would be observing the moon at the exact same time. They had no reason to. Even if some one did, it does not necessarily mean people believed him and kept a written record of it, especially when many civilizations at that time did not preserve their own history in writing


  9. We respect Jesus as  much as you do. He is so honorable for us, and he had the ability to perform all the miracles you mentioned. I am a Muslim and I know all about his life as much as you know.

    Derek, You get nothing by criticizing others. Tell me honestly Derek, do you know about the whole life of the holy prophet Muhammad(PBUH)?

    Have you read any Islamic book written about the life of the holy prophet Muhammad(PBUH)?If not then first read those books or at least search on the internet, then you can compare both the prophets.

    regarding miracles, he split the moon into two pieces, made tress walk and talk and so many are there if you search.

    For more information, please follow the links:

    I hope Derek you will find the truth yourself.

  10. Sure Jesus (as) had miracles, no doubt about it; every prophet does.  But Jesus (as) also said that if you have faith the weight of a grain of mustard seed, you too will be able to do all these miracles and even greater ones.

    So I'm sure my friend, you must have at least faith of the weight of a muster seed.  Therefore, please perform one miracle for me.  Any miracle.  It could be to feed only 500 people with a loaf of bread.  Or turn only an ounce of water into wine.  Anything Jesus (as) did, i'm sure you should be able to do.

    And the brother above me already cited some notable miracles of the Prophet (sa) so I won't comment further on that.

    I await your miracles brother!

    love for all, hatred for none

  11. mohammed pbuh was the prophet sent for islam, after Christianity. jesus is one of the 5 greatest prophets in islam. and how can god have a son?

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