
Since Joe Biden has said "The Presidency doesn't lend itself to on-the-job training."; why did Obama pick him?

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Given that on-the-job training is what Obama would be engaged in for at least four to six years, why would he pick as his running mate a guy whose quote about that fact in reference to Obama's lack of qualifications to be President will be replayed over and over again by the Republican attack machine? Won't it just remind voters over and over again that Obama has no meaningful track record of accomplishing anything at all? Other than winning office and being a good dad and husband, I mean.

Is this an example of the good judgement that Obama used to use to describe the quality best qualifying him to be our next President?




  1. Time will tell on this one.

  2. And then there are some presidents  - where after 8 years....they still need to be trained or taught like a kindergarten kid!

  3. All politicians think with their mouths open. And if they took every thing to heart that's ever said about them, they wouldn't like anyone or even come out of their houses. It' like professional wrestling on TV. They run down each other and threaten one another and then after the show they all have lunch together and party together.  

  4. On-the-job training is the only appropriate training that any president gets.   Biden was trying to emphasize his experience over Obama's when he was running against him.  

    It is similar to George H W Bush referring to Reagan's economic proposals as "voodoo economics" and then running as Reagan's Vice President.  

  5. He just keeps making baaaaad choices......

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