
Since Mary Is Jesus Mother And God Is His Father Does That Mean He ONLY Looks Like His Mother(Genetics)?

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Since Mary Is Jesus Mother And God Is His Father Does That Mean He ONLY Looks Like His Mother(Genetics)?




  1. I didn't have an exact answer ..

    Well, God favored Mary and of course Jesus has a divine 'aura'..

    Did you ever imagine what his face looks like if you're one of the people in that time? Maybe, at first you don't know Him or you heard some news about Him that He heals, helps people to change, he does miracles-or maybe at any situation..It also indicates in the Bible that Jesus actually knows who a person is even that person didn't know Him and He knows their hearts..He finished His job and finalized everything before He went back to heaven..All He said is true and we truly need Him ..He's our Lord & Savior, our brother, a friend--gentle, kind, pure, etc..

    So, what do you think He would look like to you personally?

  2. I can't say if He looks like Mary or not but this is what we do know...

    Jhn 14:9  Jesus saith unto him, Have I been so long time with you, and yet hast thou not known me, Philip? he that hath seen me hath seen the Father; and how sayest thou [then], Shew us the Father?

      Also,there is a reprint of a letter from Pontius Pilate to Tiberius Caesar describing the physical appearance of Jesus at the Congressional Library in Washington.You see pictures of Jesus all the time resembling this description.

  3. Wow, never thought about it. Yep, you really have to wonder, don't you?

    But then again...who can say?

  4. He has an earthly father also.  The Bible just doesnt say who.

  5. Good question...however it would seem that genetic material was added seeing as how Christ was male.  The Y chromosome had to come from somewhere.  The only other option would be that He looked exactly how the Father willed Him to look and was the s*x He wanted Him to be by virtue of His power.  It wasn't a natural birth so anything's possible.  this wouldn't be hard for the creator of all things.

  6. No-one knows what Jesus looked like when He was on the earth in human form, nor does it matter what He looked like.  All we can say with certainty is that He would NOT have been, genetically like his 'father' Joseph.  There's a good chance that He would have looked very much like His earthly brothers and sisters though because some people do seem to only resemble one parent. He was only ever intended to be here for a season.His home is with His Father and our eternal home will be with them. God and Jesus are Spirits and in the next world we will be spirits also   The bible says that we will have new bodies but whether the word 'body' means what we mean by that word I do not know but am looking forward to finding out.

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