
Since McCain accuses Obama of a lack of experience, doesn't it make his VP choice SCARY ???

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How could anyone NOT be a hippocrate to accuse Obama of a lack of experience, then vote for McCain & Co., leaving us with the real possibility of his Veep as the President of the Greatest Country in the Free World??? That seems INSANE to me!




  1. Totally scary...but then you have to consider who picked her! she's the gov. of Alaska!!!!!! much more experience can she have? please!

  2. Obama's VP pick scares me. Biden has been a Senator since 1972. That is nearly four decades of liberal democrat bungling.  

  3. No s**t for brains.  Obama the Empty Suit is running as president .  Biden should be the presidential nominee not Ozombie.

  4. His choice is scary for other reasons.  This just makes him a huge hypocrite.  

  5. What's really scary is McCain is STILL running the ads accusing Obama of lacking experience. That is so stupid considering people are busy debating whether Sarah or Mr. Obama has the least amount of experience. We don't need high roller kind of decisions being made in the Oval Office and this VP pick was risky.

  6. She has more public service experience that Obama.

    And all the candidates meet the criteria for President laid out in the Constitution.  Are you suggesting the Constitution is insufficient?  Or do you prefer career politicians?

  7. Oh no, it would be much better to elect someone with no experience out and out.

    Palin ran a state for two years.  Obama spent the majority of his time in the US Senate running for President.  If she's not ready to be VP, he's sure as h**l not ready to be Commander in Chief.

  8. Only the politically ignorant and careless voters will fall for this McCain decision. He didn't do this at the best interest of the country. He did this for his selfish advance at the white house. Obama has been the only candidate running a clean campaign and his choice of VP was brilliant. The outcome of this election will prove America's intelligence or lack thereof. Obama and Hillary stood very similarly on the issues and yet her supporters refuse to vote for him? How silly is that! It proves that people are not voting based on what it really going to get this country back on its feet. If Palin wasn't a woman, with her experience and her belief's, why would anyone in their right mind put her in the white house? What if McCain's old *** kicks the bucket while in office, are we really going to let this unknown person who's ideas are not going to move this country forward, run our country? It's time to think, America. Wake up voters, the world has lost respect for this great nation, mainly because of our recent leaders. We cannot make the same mistake twice. Obama has a vision. He may not achieve everything he promises, but his concern and compassion is evident and must be respected. Like he said, you cannot use 20th century bureaucracy in a 21st century world. We must redeem ourselves and not get wharped in political brainwashing and selfish pursuits.

  9. Because she has executive experience as the governor of Alaska.  She is he only one out of the 4 of them that can boast that experience.  

  10. Great statement...the reason we are comparing Obama to McCain's VP is because the odds are against McCain making it through his first term if elected...he has had two bouts with Cancer and his overall health is not good. So, it's fair to talk about her experience, because you are actually voting for her when you vote for McCain. Knowing that its a very high probability that she could be placed in the commander seat.

  11. Most people are not listening to the ads drone on and one

    the people got their minds made up and this is just turned off

    in 95% of the people's head

    lies are told on both all politicians are liars and lie lie lie

    just chalk it will learn this stuff you when you are jaded like

    I am..all politicians do is act like ACTORs and read a script some

    one else wrote.

  12. What is scarier to me is that McCain thinks that we women are going to vote for her just because she is a woman.  What an ignorant!!!

    McCain has experience, and ZERO good judgment.

    "No way, No how, No McCain". (Hillary Clinton)

  13. Yea, I completely agree with you. How can people vote for McCain knowing that the seriously inexperienced Sarah Palin is just a heartbeat away from the presidency? How can anyone expect her to be the leader of the Free World? McCain really is a hypocrite...accusing Obama of being inexperienced and then choosing a freshman governor of Alaska to be his VP...way to go McCain...NOT.  

  14. McCain is not being a hypocrite.  Governor Palin is the ONLY person in this presidential race that has any executive experience.  In the short time that she has been Governor, Sarah Palin has proven that she is capable of bringing about all the change Obama keeps talking about.     You want to talk about hypocrite, how about Obama who claims that he is going to bring change but then he picks a career politician as his running mate.

  15. McCain was desperate to get him a replacement for HIllary.  However, Hillary had the experience, and the VP McCain chose does not.  I do not like to bash any candidate.  It think Palin is a nice lady, but not the lady who could lead in case McCain got sick.  I can't see her going to Iraq and Iran, and making those tough decisions that only a president can.  I can see her being dedicated to her family, her state of Alaska, and running that effectively.  I feel McCain thought he'd score with Palin, but I ask the question--- what kind of score?  --- Toni D.  

  16. When you think about how much experience Bill Clinton had and how you people all thought he was the greatest thing since sliced bread...  I would venture to say that Palin is still more qualified than is Obama.  At least she was at her Executive job for some 730 days.  Obama has been a bit player in the machine for all of 143 days.  And hasn't REALLY done his job yet.  Too busy campaigning...  If anyone in this scenario is being hypocritical, it is still the Democrats.  But then, there's nothing new about that.

  17. The only reason he picked her was to try and get the female vote.  What is scary is that they feel that Women don't look at the issues and hope that they will vote for them just because she is a female.

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