
Since McCain voted against equal pay for women, does that mean that he would pay Palin less?

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yes rightwing... that would have made two old white dudes on McCain's ticket




  1. Right! I bet he will tell her she likely needs more education and experience so she will get paid less. This question is the first thing I thought of when I saw that he picked Palin. Although I believe she is the medicine the conservatives need at this moment in history, she is a gimmic... sure shows McCain does not respect the intelligence of women.  

  2. Oh most certainly he would.  I see how Conservatives just throw stuff out with no facts, they obviously no nothing about or don't mind lying about their competition-despite their "deep faith" ha!- I guess they are as funny as McCain choosing Palin.  

    Well they've already given us one "good" thing - Giggles all over America!!

  3. You've got McCain confused with Obama. Obama pays his female campaign workers 7,000 less than his male employees.

  4. Of course not, just not as much ;)

    WTF? LOL to the first answer.

  5. That is just a distortion of the facts.  "Equal pay" for women is a payoff to trial lawyers to harass businesses.

  6. At least he didn't turn down a woman for another old white dude

  7. Most likely.  McCain has a very poor vote record on women's and family issues.  One of his usual behaviors is to not be present if it will give him bad press. He even votes against veterans benefits, good thing he is married to a rich woman.

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