
Since Obama has asked people to back off Palin's daughter's pregnancy then why do people still do this, & WHO?

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If you really want Obama to win you should back off attacking that kid.

Her mother is the one running not her.

He has clearly stated he does not support this.

The kid is pregnant, is keeping the child, marrying the father, end of story.

If you disapprove question John McCain for his ability to make an appropriate choice in selecting a VP.

The focus of this campaign has gotten to be beyond ridiculous.

Where is John McCain in all this? We have yet to even see his face on TV?




  1. No one really cares about the teen and her pregnancy. What is valid is her mother's anti-abortion, anti-birth control, pro-abstinence only education stance.  The fact it didn't work out too well for her will continue to be an issue.  

  2. They are the same type of people who are sitting fires, breaking windows and attacking old people in St Paul classless.

  3. kinda hope it stays that way...not seein his face, that is.

  4. But it's so much fun to gossip about.  Do you think Bill could be the daddy?

  5. I am with Chris J. His face has been kind of deadly looking. Is he alright.... We need Bristol Palin to talk she looks much better, pregnant, unmarried and everything. woo hooo. *I like this look better. I could care less about all this shix.

  6. From the avatar s   .....

    The people doing this are the same ones that were trashing  Hillary

    Women haters ....mean divorced liberal men...or ugly young  nerds that cant get a date

  7. No way we are the attack dogs and plus its funny

  8. I appreciate your view.

    Aren't you from Canada?

  9. The answer to the question is people like you are keeping it going by asking these 'why aren't people backing off on Palin's daughter type questions.'  Look at the index list here. There are a least a dozen along this line, keeping the topic going.

  10. Its funny that you mentioned not seeing McCain on TV lately.

    Sarah Palin has been in the media a lot lately and CNN mentioned this morning that she was really taking away focus from McCain trying to get out his message. Yahoo posted an article this morning from that explained McCain's 'can't take the heat attitude" I thought you might want to see it.

  11. Just look at Yahoo attacking Palin at every turn, just like the New York Times. McCain campaign has called the attacks offensive, but Yahoo and the NYTimes are just too unprincipled to quit.

      Why are those news outlets not talking about Joe Biden's plagiarism and "on the record " racist remarks? Liberal bias is alive and well, it seems.  

  12. I hope the Dems keep up all this hate speech! All it does is push single mothers, teen mothers and mothers of teen mothers to the right! Thanks for the help!

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