
Since Palin has an 80% approval rating as governor, does that mean Alaska is only 20% liberal?

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Or do the liberals in Alaska like her? Kind of strange, don't you think?




  1. I do believe that alaska as the highest conservative to liberal rate in the nation. Couple that with the smaller population, and the resources available and its' easy to see why the conservative way works there.  

  2. Does that mean that Alaskans approve 80% of what she does, or that 80% of the people like her?

    The more I hear of her, the more I wish the ticket was Palin/McCain instead of McCain/Palin.

    Obama says time for a change. You want change? Elect Sarah Palin. She sure ain't part of the good ole boys club.

    80% of anybody can't be wrong.

  3. It means that the people she governs like her.  It means she does a good job.  It has nothing to do with your false left-right paradigm and your party division.

  4. Alaskan has the highest proportion of conservative to liberals in the entire country, it makes Texas look like San Francisco.

  5. I have nothing against Sarah Pallin but the thing I don't understand is, the news says she has an approval rating of 80% & highest of all current governors but how is that when 80% of the country never heard of her until last week.

  6. not everything is party divided.

    She took on big oil and the corruption in the state

  7. Let me explain this to you.  It seems to be over your head.  Common sense my dear, go look for some.  You can be friends with people you agree with or don't agree with.  You can love someone and hate their views on politics.  You can agree on politics and despise them.  You see it works all kinds of ways.  That 80% might all be liberals, I don't know.  Whatever I think I'm wasting my time.  If you can't see it or feel the love we have for her, you just don't get it, and probably never will.

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