
Since Palin is MORE qualified then OBAMA Why do Demacraps have to attack her Husband, Children, her Faith.?

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Since they where completly broadsided on this one I guess they have to get extra creative.




  1. Your interpretation is Only Your Opinion!  Don't presume to think for everyone else...And your Demacraps remark says you don't really think--you just react.

  2. That's one of the reasons why. Barry cannot hold a candle to her grit, character, spirit, or experience.

    She's a real stick of dynamite!

    Trig Palin: If Obama is so patriotic, why does his religion have its roots in Marxism? Why did he call the Rev Wright his mentor? Why does he call Billy Ayres his friend? This man has shown remorse only, in not killing and maiming more American civilians than his terrorist group did.

  3. More qualified how?  By being married to an Oil man?  Yes, that's experience all right.

  4. because obama supporters are full of fail

  5. Maybe, if she had been spending more time helping her sister move on with her life after a bad marriage, and had spent more time with her special needs infant, and her unworldly teen daughter, she could do a better job of caring for her family. And then I might be inclined to think her judgment will put the country first, and not just resemble a Springer show appearance.

    Also Obama got five times as many votes for senator in 2004, AS THERE ARE PEOPLE IN ALASKA. Two years later, Palin was elected governor of a state smaller than 75 U.S. cities.

    Palin's daughter is more experienced than either Obama or her mother were at 17, though.

  6. Obviously, education on sexual abstinence works...

  7. We are pointing out how delightfully ironic it all is. It is Dem'O'craps, not Dem'A'craps.

  8. OBAMA & BIDEN = qualified

    MCCAIN & PALIN= unqualified

    nuff said

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