
Since Politicians make pork barrel deals why shouldn't we the people do the same thing?

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If someone is voting for Obama just because they don't like McCain and someone else is voting for McCain just because they don't like Obama wouldn't it be smarter for voters to make a deal and vote for a third party candidates, after all the Republican President and the Democratic Congress put us in the mess we are in. Politicians make deals like this all the time.




  1. If you are talking about Bob Barr, forget the idea. He has been quiet way too long. There isn't time for him to even be a viable candidate. I had high hopes for him when I heard the news that he was going to be the Libertarian candidate. However, he's been very disappointing.

  2. And we want to be like them?

    I'm voting third party (if my vote for Ron Paul won't count) for the first time in my life because it finally dawned on me our reps aren't even CONCERNED about representing us, and that is a function of the two party system.  I'll vote inside my GOP party for reps who represent me.  McCain does not.

    If I can't vote for Ron Paul I will likely end up voting for Barr but he doesn't excite me.  He seems to try to be too many things to too many people, which after Ron Paul is a bit hard to take.  This is in answer to your other question, too.  Check back after Tuesday, is what I'd say.

  3. Would be great to elect a Libertarian. But it won't happen until Libertarians replace one of the other major political parties. Just as the Republicans replaced the Whigs. More than two parties is too complicated for the average American.

  4. we should

  5. Third party candidates have the same issues with them that the major party candidates do. Would I vote for Ralph Nader just becuase he's the third party candidate? No way. I'd rather vote against McCain by voting for Obama.  

  6. I think a better idea would be for us, as the supposed bosses of these elected officials demand the line item veto be put to a vote of the people. You want rid of pork? That would take care of alot of it right there. So much good legislation gets voted against because of the pork in it. Theres no other way to silence the special interests than the line item veto.  

  7. Check out what Governor Palin did to end corruption and pork spending in Alaska. First thing she did was sold the private jet and started traveling like us. Told Congress if Alsaka wants a bridge to no where , we will build it ourselves. Palin approval rating 85% Biden and Congress approval rating 9%.Wait until she gets to Washington. Biden and the other pigs will be oinking all the way to the soup lines.

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