
Since Prince Charles married Camilla will William be King?

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Isn't one of the rules of a prince that if you want to keep your right to be king you cant marry a catholic or anyone who has been divorced......So since Prince Charles married Camilla who has been married and divorced will he still be King???




  1. <p>Does Charles, William, or Harry desire to accept the kingship?&nbsp; I get the idea that William would rather not; Harry I don't think has given it any thought [because he is young and free].&nbsp; But I have no idea of Charles' wishes.&nbsp; But we are all thinking too far ahead.&nbsp; First Queen Elizabeth would have to pass away to her eternal reward.&nbsp; I&nbsp;imagine then the call would be: &quot;The Queen is dead; long live the King&quot; whoever it may be.</p>

  2. I think if Prince William wishes his father Prince Charles to be King then his wishes should be granted. I read on a site in his words that he thinks its rediculous that his father should be not be made King before him.


  3.  Being that Charles married Camilla in a 'civil' ceremony, it raises the question as to whether the monarchy would view the marriage as that of the will of God,...i.e., inherent to rule.  My question is therefore, also a statement of sorts.  This civil union, not one endorsed by the church/God, should preclude Camilla from any future hope of being crowned queen?  She is Charles' wife civilly, but not in the eyes of the church, and the monarchs believe, and rule, under the view that they have been appointed by the devine will of God.  

    Charles, in my opinion, would not serve the will of God, or the best interests of state, due to his lack of, repeatedly demonstated, sound judgment.  Therefore, the crown will fall to his sons.  If the boys refuse the crown, which I do not  believe that both will refuse,...perhaps, only one, where will the crown land?  I fear that Parliment must pass a rule precluding Camilla, divorced/civilly married, from being crowned queen, to avoid a fiasco, as well as a huge threat to the crown and monarch, itself.  Opinions please?


  4. Well It is true you canot marry a divored woman or Catholic so it should be true that Prince Charles should not be King!

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