
Since Sarah Palin said that she is glad her daughter "chose" to have the baby, does she mean pro-choice?

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Is this just another level of her irresponsibility? I mean, she had a speech while her water broke then that child had Down's Syndrome. That is so irresponsible.




  1. Why would want to kill an innocent baby who hasnt even seen the light of day? Thats just plain wrong, its as if you were killing a newborn baby.

  2. firstly, I don't know where you got your information but downs syndrome is there before the water breaks or you give a speech. Secondly,the statement was that she was glad her daughter chose to have the baby.What in this statement did you not understand. Were the words too big?You must be a democrat.

  3. Pro-life IS pro-choice

  4. Good one!

    Also, isn't it incredibly irresponsible and selfish to run for V.P. when your 17 yr. old daughter is 5 months pregnant? Poor girl, she's already at a terrible age, and with child. Now she has to stand in one of the biggest spotlights on Earth, be apart of this circus we call politics.

    Any self respecting Mother would NEVER sacrifice their flesh and blood for the sake of winning an election...

    I hope everyone sees what an obvious attempt this is by McCain/ Palin's camp, to once again distract us all from the real issues our country faces. Abortion isn't the problem, anyone with half a brain knows that.

    Every year around election time, they come at us last minute with soapbox dribble, "God, Guns, and g**s" as they say.

    Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain...

    (He's probably just performing illegal abortions anyway).

  5. not as irresponsible as having you blow your hot air and kool aid breath all over the place. Have another glass and lose some more brain.

  6. What???? Are you saying that cause she had a speech when her water broke THATS what caused the child to have Down's??????

  7. no, it means that she is pro-life but respects her daughter's individuality and lets her make her own life choices.  

    you liberals forget about the c**p Obama said about abortion.  

  8. Does "pro-choice" actually mean an exercise in free will in a choice to abort or a choice to give birth or does it simply mean pro-abortion?

  9. I hate how people are making it seem like she's a bad mom because her baby has Downs Syndrome. That is pretty low and totally not true. Just because a person's child is disabled, doesn't mean that they are bad parents. And no, her saying that she's glad her daughter "chose" to have the baby doesn't mean 'pro-choice,' its just the way she stated the comment. Just because the word "chose" is in it doesn't mean 'pro-choice.' I'm confused why you think she is irresponsible for this.

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