
Since Tony Stewart will drive the Office Depot car next year will he do back flips too?

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Since Tony Stewart will drive the Office Depot car next year will he do back flips too?




  1. why not? he ripped off the fence climbing thing from helio castronevas, so he's obviously not above stealing celebration ideas.

  2. He won't have to. Plus, he climbs fences.

  3. He'll do a backflip off the top of the fence.

  4. Why Not a Front Flip?

  5. he might want to if he wins in his first season as an owner

  6. buwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa...   OMG..  Can that even be possible??  He would wrench his on his head or something.  

    Tony is my 2nd favorite driver so the visual is all that more funny.

    But to answer the question.  No. lol

  7. Smoke doesn't do back flips, but I bet he will climb some fences..Great to have Smoke back in a Chevy where he belongs..

    Go Dale Jr & Hms

  8. stinky i just cant imagine tony doing a back flip. i dont think it would work out.  am hes not shaped like a gymnast but maybe a backward roll in the middle of the field he would do.

  9. Nope. Office Depot will now be known for climbing fences, not back flipping. If Edwards wins he'll get the duck out and they'll backflip together lol.  

  10. maybe a belly flop

  11. lol that would be interesting XD

  12. yup, he will do the back flip half way the fence, that he climbs after each win

  13. I tell you what Stinky, I would PAY to see that one.  That would just kill me LOL.

    Love the hairdo by the way!

  14. he'd probably break something.

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