
Since Vampires don't breath(being dead/un-dead)........?

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how do they suck blood, or anything for that matter?




  1. Oh it can be done, it just takes practice.

    Also while their lungs don't contract they still breath air in and out, just shallow breathing

  2. Seriously... You're talking about "Vampires" guys, some how I don't think that the mechanics of how they suck blood is all that important... maybe they use their special "not exisitng" powers...

    Also, just for a couple of you... There ARE more "authorities" on Vampires than Anne Rice and the internet so pull you're head out eh... Oh and for you "real vampires", bite me! ;)

    Tell you what, just for the h**l of it...

    Assuming that Vampires did exist in their classic media persona then by some unknown means their dead flesh and muscle would have to be animated in order for them to move and bite someone... Considering that 'breathing' is primarily controlled by muscle contraction/relaxation whereby a negative pressure is created sucking air into the lungs, then anything that had the ability to walk around and bite people, would therefore have the ability to "breath". It would just then be that the gas exchange in the alveoli would have ceased due to the "death" of the aforementioned vampire. Although the “fact” that vampires do not breathe isn't really stated in classic vampire lore but rather in more contemporary fictional sources.

  3. somehow i dont think when the myth of vampires was created that they paid much attention to the little details like this

  4. In order to answer your question  someone has to really know what a vampire really is..... And from the answers you received so far none of them have any idea as to what a vampire is....  All I am will to say if for all of you to look int the demonic aspect of a vampire and all of you will know how a vampire drains its almost victims dry..... And in truth no real vampire breaths period........................

  5. They CAN breath. They just don't have to.

    It's a habit they had, considering that's what they did all their life before they died.

    So, they would still be able to suck the blood out of their victims.

    What a nice thought...

  6. Vampires don't require oxygen to live (well, not live i guess) but that doesn't mean that they cant breath. And if they bit a major artery, for example your jugular, it will just kind of spray into their mouths. only when the heart stops, would they have to start sucking, for the blood is no longer circulating throughout the victims body.Hope I helped!

  7. Cut a major artery like the jugular and it'll just spray into your mouth, no sucking involved!

  8. Most insects don't breathe through lungs. This doesn't mean that there are no insect bloodsuckers.

  9. I can suck without breathing, Im sure a vampire could as well

  10. what it is... think of a vampire bat who pricks an animal and licks the blood... same thing except real vampires treat it as drinking a soda pop from the theater cause your neck is the soda and they're mouth is the straw so they're just sipping your blood.

  11. By creating a vacuum with their mouth.

    Try it.

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