
Since a "ghost" can manipulate the physical world, in theory whats to say telekinesis is not possible?

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Okay, I think telekinesis is one of the most ridiculous things ever conjured up by the human mind. But I have witnessed something invisible to the human eye manipulate the physical world. Since "ghosts" are supposedly energy, in theory wouldn't this be the same, that we are somehow sending out some form of our own energy to manipulate an object? Is it hypocritical to believe in one and not the other?




  1. If a higher frequency body could manipulate matter, then we should be able to do that while in our lower more dense physical body. Astral projection is triggered by "thought" or awaken consciousness. The same with telepathy aka "thought" projection, precognition also by thought. How related? all these abilities are mental/conscious and thought created. Mind creates reality. You should also know the astral plane is extremely sensitive to thoughts. How do you think spirits change shape and form? "I Think thefore I am".

    I don't know what you mean by plain "energy" their or many manifestations, densities and vibratory rates of energy. To me intention is a form of kinetic energy, therefore If I want a object to move It moves just as a happy thought makes me feel + and sad thought - . Every thought that we create from consciousnessess (The self-programming program) causes the corresponding neurons to fire off signals across synapses resulting in brain activities and neuromuscular events.

    Why not believe in Telekinesis if you believe in ghost? other psychic abilities have similar metaphysics therefore if something is wrong with TK then the same for the entire psychic phenomenaona and our continuation  after death.

  2. Yeah, I think I see exactly what you're saying and I agree. I'm not sure how I feel about the whole ghost thing yet, and I don't have a bunch of fancy words to throw out..however IF ghosts do exist, one of the ideas is it's our left over energy as humans..which means yes,I think if that's true, telekinesis would be possible..instead of being dead and using the energy, we'd be alive and using it.We've had this energy the whole time, living and dead. I don't think it's hypocritical to believe in one and not the other, though. It depends on how you feel ghosts exist..and what if when you die you gain a different kind of energy, and that's how they manifest and manipulate things..and we don't have that type of energy when we are living? I don't necessarily believe my last statement, but it could be an argument for someone who believes in one and not the other.  

  3. I can't remember the specific name of the logical fallacy you have committed, but you can't use one unproven thing (ghosts) to prove another thing.

    Here's a list.  I'm pretty sure you're guilty of a few others

    EDIT:  But you didn't ask a "hypothetical" stated "since a ghost CAN manipulate the physical world".  You made a statement of fact.  I can think hypothetically...that is what scientists do, make hypotheses,  but I didn't misunderstand your question, you mis-stated it.

  4. Supposing for the sake of discussion that poltergeists (ghosts that can manipulate the physical world, in other words) exist, then that would also seem to suggest that telekinesis is a possibility. In fact, some ghost hunters like to say that poltergeists are actually unintended expressions of telekinesis (actually I think poltergeists are mainly mischievous teenagers at work). They call it RSPK, or recurrent spontaneous psychokinesis. It's a very scientific sounding name for something that actually has no science behind it at all.

    So if you believe in one, sure, it's not much of a step to believe in the other. But there is no "energy" we leave behind when we die, except for the thermal, chemical and slight electrical energy of our bodies that dissipates into the physical environment as we expire and decompose (not a very happy thought, but there you are).

  5. Did I just dream that I already answered this question? Or did my answer get reported?

    Anyway...I agree with you. Energy is energy. I don't see why they can't mix when they get together. I think it's definitely possible that the energy of a ghost could make these objects move. I think that's what happens in levitation too. I think spirits do a lot more than we realize. If we have spirits...I think that the spirit in us is the one that also does ESP. I don't think it's our brain. That's my story and I'm stickin' to it!

  6. It's not hypocritical at all.Anyone believing in ghosts and their ability to manipulate the physical world.They'll find a way to convince themselves telekinesis is real as well.

  7. What if it's actually the ghost that's using telekinesis to make an object move?

    And when a ghost astral travels, that's when we see them.

  8. OMG! I can't believe you asked this question! Some friends and I stayed up late last night and we talked about this for hours. We all had different opinions, but in the end most of us agreed that it's bigger than just people, telekinesis and ghosts. The universe is a surreal place, and we're just scratching the surface. We think the whole picture is BIG, like ∞ x ∞ big! We know less about it than a goldfish knows about quasars. Anything is not only possible, but probable somewhere somehow.

  9. GO TO,









    almost all of what i got were real and are real. i did not get any stuff about telekenesis saying that t was not real. almost everything denotes that it is possible execpt a few. so i am sorry. but my opinion is that i believe in paranormal stuffs and i love them a lot. so according to me it is real. please do not think that i am a stupid.

  10. I think I understand what you are saying.  Hypothetically supposing they exist, ghosts have no physical body with which to manipulate objects, thus if a ghost is manipulating objects, they must be doing so some other way, perhaps through sheer force of conscious, ie telekinesis.  If the ghost can do this with their mind, why not the person who the ghost previously was?  It is the same conscious.  I see no fallacy there, it is something interesting to consider, and I would say that most people who believe in ghosts probably are more likely to believe in other paranormal phenomena.

  11. Hopefully, some of the "How?" may further be explained through microtubles and quantum physics. I think it's bet to start with the brain and it's abilities.

    and  Dr. Roger Penrose, study the field of human conciousness. These researchers now believe that the mind and the body are separate . First we have to lok at and understand conciousness.

    They theorize that there are, at the quantum level, things called "microtubules" that exist at the base of our brains and function as very tiny computers that contain the information, conciousness and processes that make us what we are.

    Our essence. Our "soul" for lack of a better term. These doctors further theorize that when we die, the information stored in our microtubules does not die.

    It can't, because it exists at the quantum level. The most basic level in which matter, energy, space and time exist. The theory also postulates that after death these infinately tiny microtubules do not separate but are instead kept together by a process called quantum entanglement.

    If these theories are correct it would mean that the body and the mind can exist independently. Given the current "String theories" in physics, that indicate that there are as many as eleven different dimensions instead of just the four that human beings are able to detect,

    These studies on the field of paranormal investigation are fascinating in the extreme. These theories are also being used to evaluate certain forms of mental illness.

  12. well i think that you can believe in one and not the other. but that might be misconstrued as hypocritical. wel yeah it is the same energy in astral projection. but im not to sure about it being the same in telekinesis.

  13. I'm Catholic, and some of our saints wrote that dead people stay in their graves until Judgment Day. Educated Catholics know that ghosts aren't real, so they don't manipulate anything. Matter and energy are states of the physical world, and spirits aren't physical, so your hypothesis is illogical. We don't leave energy behind when we die. Telekinesis is illogical. We cannot project energy by will power any more than we can project our bodies.

  14. Based upon what your saying, yes they can interelate. Most often when we claim that a poltergeist is in an area, a young teen is also in the area (and most times the poltergeist activity only occurs when the teen is present). The theory is that the teen's energy is feeding into the poltergeist behavior and in a very real sense is moving things. Makes perfect sense to me considering the bodily changes young teens go through....if they have psychic abilities those would be as equally out of whack as their hormones.

  15. Its not hypocritical at all since the two are not related to one another.

    If you had the power of telekinesis you certainly wouldn't want everyone knowing about it, the Government would have you out of sight in no time. Ghosts on the other hand do not seem to have direct control at all times. The spirit is more or less held in a general location and cannot move beyond certain confines, although there have been cases reported in the past where a spirit will indeed come with you or follow you but permission needs to be given first.

    The power behind the manipulation on the physical world is unknown but it seems as though an emotional connection is involved in some way, its almost as if a time dilation of some sort is taking place. The spirit seems to be caught between where it was and the present.

    Most ghosts seem unaware of this time, others seem to be aware and are confused, looking for help, and the others are aware, angry, and just want to be left alone, wherever alone is for them.  

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