
Since all eyes are on Russia is now a good time to attack Iran ?

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Georgia in relation to Iran - if Georgia was a NATO ally or the Americans had an excuse to park a lot of hardware there would be close enough to Iran to use it as an air base in which to attack Iran

Russia was making noises of protecting Iran - Asia times online reported that former President Putin has made an agreement with Iran's Ayatollah that an attack on Iran = an attack on Russia

Well it is now a two front war at the least with Georgians more than capable of causing troubles for Russia on the eastern border of Russia

The one and only nation between Iran and Georgia is Armenia - which couldn't do anything about a US fly over if they wanted to the US might have to tell the Armian's they flew over their nation in order for them to object to it

A massive US Naval presence is still just outside Iran's borders

So now that the world is watching Russia is now a good time to launch the air assault against Iran ?

Russia is busy - the world is watching them and the Olympics




  1. yep,perfect timing........

  2. Could be, but not by U.S.-----do I hear rumblings from Israel?

  3. Iran is a waste and easily dealt with without military force. Military should be preserved for possible war with more formidable countries..  

  4. If crazy Bush send in the air force to bomb Iran,I hope after the bombing is over, and it time to send in the troops, you will be the first to volunteer,because our troops are streached thin in Iraq and afgan.If the democrates get in office,I hope they come up with a two year mandate for all young men and women to serve in the military.I believe it will give then a different outlook on war.War is not a video game.It's real blood and guts,and the people you love getting killed.  

  5. No Cuba is much easier

  6. How is Iran a threat to America? The only threats Iran have made is that they will defend themselves if attacked. The US insists on provoking them. If the US stops meddling in middle east politics and leaves them alone there is no problem. The only reason the US doesn't like Iran is because they have nuclear weapons and they're not an ally. So what, lots of countries have nuclear weapons. The US is no more trustworthy than the rest of them.

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