
Since all of the anciet sketal remains are of a small human is it....?

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...possible that the bible is refering to a race of giants that modern man comprises. The human species, as it is, was drowned in a flood. Or was it? Numbers 13;32 argues with the idea that every living thing that breathed would die. The human species that exists was never supposed to exist at all.




  1. No.  Humans were mostly smaller than moderns and not 6 foot as the previous poster suggested.  They were smaller mostly due to nutrition. There is not indication whatsoever that we are not the exact same species and blood line as 2,000 or 10,000 years ago or even 100,000 years ago.  I would advise looking for useful anthropological explanations from the bible unless you understand that it was just provided the best explanations known at the time.

  2. Why do you say that all skeletal human remains are small?

    Perhaps you refer to Homo floresiensis remains found in Indonesia. These  seem to be from an extinct group of dwarf pygmies.

    The human species was preserved on the Ark - we are all descended from Noah and his wife (as were homo floresiensis)

  3. Not likely. The Idea of a flood really is only evident in the middle east are there are certainly clear evidence of anatomically modern humans in African regions where flood would have been nearly impossible.

  4. 100%

  5. God keeps improving his creations

  6. That makes no sense.  There was a lot of variation in early anthropoid primates.  Some species, like neandertals, are much larger and stronger than the average human now.  (Previously, neandertals were thought to be a competing species that did not contribute to the human evolution of homo sapiens; genetic evidence shows that this is probably false and that there was probably interbreeding during early evolution).  Some were a lot smaller.  

    This question really doesn't belong in the anthropology section.  Please move to religious studies or something like that.

  7. the average cave man was over six feet tall

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