
Since barak obama just gave a political speech at his church, should that church void its tax exemption?

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Since barak obama just gave a political speech at his church, should that church void its tax exemption?




  1. I say absolutely not! that's an outrage if it is! Just because someone gives a speech at their church doesn't mean that it should receive any kind of special treatment.Political or not.

  2. Yes, it should. Anytime a church or other religious institution endorses a political candidate or party platform, it should be stripped of its tax-exempt status.

    By the way, I'm a liberal Democrat who likes Obama, but I still hold this opinion.

  3. If they would refuse to let an opposition candidate speak, they might be violating their non profit status.

  4. Well if the church makes a public endorsement then yes. It should apply to any political party that gets a public endorsement from a church.

  5. Only if the church publicly endorses a party or a candidate.

  6. all churches talk is republican c**p, no abortion, murder is black peoples fault, etc.

    its only fair to let the democrat party get one or two passes in return

  7. yes

  8. That only works on churches that let Republicans speak...all the liberals do it and it never gets any response.

  9. Yes, once a church becomes involved in politics it should lose its tax exempt status. Because at that point its a political organization and not a church.

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