
Since choosing a Veep is the 1st and most important decision of a Presidential nominee; is McCain nuts or ___?

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She was a mayor of a tiny (5900) Alaskan village and a town council member before that. You call that experience? My neighborhood has more people than that. Check out the map of the town...teensy.

McCain knows that he still has cancer. This is irresponsible.




  1. Ask the question of Obama also....Obama touted change and yet he picked a 30 year career washington cronie....

    I as a democrate respect McCains choice.

  2. no but obama and his sheeple are.

    and jealous also!

    I cant believe obama people are in here bringing up experience!!!


    PLUS, Palin has 16 years in politcs, WIKI.COM, 8 of those years "running" things.

    She Lt Gov then Gov and a mayor twice before that.

    She "RUNS" government, Obama works for the government!

    state senators report to her! she MAKES decisions, not just vote on them with others like obama!

  3. McCain is displaying his genius, unlike Obama with his ho hum Biden pick.

  4. He's brilliant. He stole Obama's thunder and now appears far more progressive than Obama, the agent of change.

    Amazing. I may actually enjoy watching the antics leading up to the election now.  

  5. Well it shows he cares more about getting a few Hillary supoorters than he does about the country? If he got Ill, you'd have Palin in charge

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