
Since even Republican strategists admit off-mic that McCain's VP choice ruined his campaign....?

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should Sarah Palin now withdraw, in the interest of giving McCain the best chance possible?

Noonan, Murphy trash Palin on hot mic: 'It's over'

Ben Smith

42 minutes ago

After a segment with NBC's Chuck Todd ended today, Republican consultant Mike Murphy and Wall Street Journal columnist Peggy Noonan were caught on a live mic ridiculing the choice of Sarah Palin.

"It's over," said Noonan, and then responded to a question of whether Palin is the most qualified Republican woman McCain could have chosen.

"The most qualified? No. I think they went for this — excuse me — political bullsh** about narratives," she said. "Every time Republicans do that ... because that's not where they live and it's not what they're good at and they blow it."

Murphy chimed in:

"The greatness of McCain is no cynicism, and this is cynical."




  1. Peggy Noonan is no shrinking violet either.  The RNC has been quite the disaster this year.  

  2. Ah, some honest words from Republicans, and no, contrary to the above apologist's answer, these Murphy and Peggy Noonan aren't on the Far Right. The Far Right thinks Palin is a great choice.

  3. I'm bothered by the idea that this woman just had a baby a few months ago and intends to be VP.

  4. Hmm.  I'm sure they speak for me...NOT.


    You still believe that POS LIEberal media.  They can find a sucker in every crowd.

    McCain's choice has only strengthened his campaign and pulled a lot of wishy washy democrats over the voting for him.  I never trust the LIEberal media on anything.  They were the idiots that said Gore and Kerry would win by 10 points but they both lost.

    Next time try actually asking a question little child.

    McCain IS YOUR new president, Palin and all.

  6. You liberals all of a sudden believe what Murphy and Noonan have to say?

    Is there no end to liberal hypocrisy

    Any other time you would dismiss their words as " biased garbage"

    The audacity of hypocrisy

  7. I agree with Obama wears... This will blow over, hopefully after Palins speech tonight.  Truthfully, this woman has to be really REALLY sharp tonight.  She has to HIT BACK without sounding like an angry mother.   She will be wielding words like a sword.  It may very well be a make or break speech.  Hopefully, Noonan and Murphy are wrong.


  8. She's certainly not the most qualified Republican, nor the most qualified Republican woman. This matters, as McCain is 72 and has had 4 bouts with cancer.

    Obama has been vetted and voted for by roughly 18 million voters. Palin wasn't vetted, met McCain once in Feb. and talked on the phone with him exactly once. She was voted into the VP slot by one person and wasn't even his 1st choice.

    The choice reeks of cynicism and political pandering.

  9. Who cares.  Look what Biden said. And remember what Jesse Jackson said about Obama off mic.

    Biden, on a post-debate appearance on MSNBC, October 30, 2007: “The only guy on the other side who’s qualified is John McCain.”

  10. Sarah Patin should not withdraw. She was and is the correct choice.

    I agree with her stance on issues.

    I read the same article. What is overlooked is what issues they disagree with.

    She is more qualified then Obama to be president.

  11. Oh no...she'll never withdraw...they'd rather jump off a cliff than do that.  They will just build her up more and more and more and smile right through every lie just as they have been doing all along.

  12. The far right hates McCain but shouldn't they love Palin?

    So why is the right still criticising Palin?

    Cause she's a bad choice.

  13. The far right doesn't like McCain, so this doesn't come as a surprise  

  14. listening to nbc's republicans reeeal intelligent  

  15. There is no way Palin should step down. She is by far the best choice McCain could have ever picked for the VP slot. I mean look at all the good she's done for the campaign in just 5 days. h**l come November theres going to be a landslide win and only then will we finally see some change. Oh thats right, yes we can.

    Obama 08

  16. Tom Brokaw just said on MSNBC that Republican party sources have been asking a lot of questions about Palin.  Not just the liberals as we are accused.

    I am anxious to see how she does tonight- I expect she will surprise us all...but I am still not voting for her b/c our views don't mesh.

  17. Good thing about Murphy's and Noonan's comments, is that they were truthful and came from the heart.  

    The bad thing is that Murphy is probably packing his bags as we speak (since I'm sure McCain already fired him) and Murdoch has made an appointment to meet with Noonan, so that she can be fired as well.

    McCain and Palin are toast once this gets out.

  18. Since even Republican strategists admit off-mic that McCain's VP choice ruined his campaign....?

    is not a question

  19. Everyone is entitled to their own warped opinion. Doesn't make it true.

  20. and the libs say:::





    You whinning bunch of zeros....

    I will be LMFAO in NOvermber!

  21. They have been on the news endlessly but its all about her messy life!( is she related to Britney Spears?)

    Her pick ends McCain campaign if she steps down he will have a heart attack and he will kick the bucket. Believe me!

  22. You just made my day!  Thank you.

    Yes, she should.  She has numerous other reasons why she should step down.  Most importantly, she is being investigated for abusing her power as governor!  It's over for McCain.  He cannot get support from his own party.  haha  Republicans thought the Democrats were split, but they are united and fully behind Obama.  Looks like the Republicans have some wounds to tend to now.  

  23. RUINED?

    h**l NO WAY. He and vice president choice has been in the front pages for DAYS, effectively upstaging the obama tour to small print under "local news"

    People talk about them, TV shows talk about them- its all Palin McCain endlessly.

    Celebrities go out of their way to get cops to catch them speeding DUI, or anything to get to the front pages.

    Their campaign is definitely not ruined.

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