
Since everybody is saying doomsday is 12/21/2012, wasn't the world also supposed to end on 1/1/2000?

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please be specific :)




  1. The Y2K "bug" was the result of a practice in early computer program design that caused some date-related processing to operate incorrectly for dates and times on and after between December 31, 1999 and January 1, 2000. In short the computer would reset to 1900 instead of 2000. Basically that was all blown out of proportion. The 2012 thoery is actually much more believable imo. Not only did the Mayans belief this was the end of the world many other people have stated this. Nostradamus writes of 2012 as the end of mankind. A ching oracle wrote that this date meant "termination."  Egyptians, as well as Babylonians, also saw a significance in this date. Some other interesting facts are that in January of 2012 the second largest near-earth object will pass within 20 miles of the earth. Another one is that the sun will be aligned with our galactic equator - this happens only once every 26,00 years. There are a huge amount of theories sourrounding this event. One is the crystal skull theory. I think this is the most intriguing theory even if it has nothing to do with 2012 it really makes you think about all the stuff we don't know. Theres a great article on this that i suggest you read.

    Also the history channel had a few specials on the 2012 theory and also the sci-fi channel did one on the 13 skulls. These were both pretty interesting and taught me a lot about this event.

  2. Nooope, that was just Millenium Bug day. Glad they fixed that bug in RL could have caused some real problems.

  3. yaya, and then when that day comes and nothing happens the person that thought of "doomsday" is going to feel like an idiot. It's just like how people said the world was going to end on 666, and nothing happend. As for 1/1/2000 yes, people again thought that it was going to end there, but again nothing happend. It's really just a silly thing that gets people hiped up and gives them something to talk about.

  4. you know there will always be someone who thinks the world is coming to an end...dont fall for it the world will go on and on and by the time our civilization ends we will be long gone anyways

    noone can predict that....noone

  5. They were wrong then and they are wrong now, just as they have always been wrong.

  6. Yes, it was, and also at the change of the previous mllennium.  People have been predicting it for thousands of years.

    Don't believe everything you see on YouTube and in emails. They have been predicting the end of the world every few years all my life and we've passed every one.

    The 2012 one, they have taken from the fact that the Mayans only carried their calendar out to December 21, 2012.They didn't predict the end of the world, only the end of an age. Maybe they figured that they had taken it far enough for the time being and then never got back to it because the Spanish Conquistadors came.

    Anyway, the Solar System will align with the Galactic Center on that date. This happens every 26,000 years. The Earth has been here about 4.5 billion years and humans for about 200,000 years. That means it has happened 7 times since man has existed and 173,076 times since Earth has existed, and it is still here and so are we.

    See below for one example of a predicted end of the world that we have gone past

    A new myth is rising on the internet. dated 1/17/2002

    This new myth claims that Planet X, some believe is Zechariah Sitchen's long-period planet Nibiru, is entering our solar system and interacting and causing changes to other planets as well as our sun and is due to pass through Earth's orbit sometime in the year 2003. One of the alarmists who is predicting catastrophe for our good old Terra Firma is Mark Hazlewood, a guest on last night's Art Bell show.

    Many point to the discovery of Object 2001 KX76, a fairly large minor planet, a recent find in the Kuiper Belt among other minor planetoids found on the solar system's outer perimeter. KX76 is estimated to be the size of Pluto's moon Charon.

    See: http://antwrp.gsfc.nasa.go v/apod/ap010830.html

    Sitchen's description of Nibiru depicts a much larger body, a planet larger than Mars, mayber larger than Earth. KX76 is only about 900 km in diameter and only the size of a small moon so it is baffling how this can be confused with the description of Nibiru.

    There is also no data on KX76 leaving the company of the Kuiper belt and entering the inner solar system.

    We have seen no convincing evidence that a large planet is going to intersect the Earth's orbit in 2003. If anyone has any reference to hard scientific data that disproves this, feel free to speak out.

    Evidently, doomsdayers are not daunted and are already making survival plans for the coming catastrophe of 2003. Please be prudent when hearing these extraordinary claims and ask for evidence before acting on such alarms.

    Well, it looks like they were wrong again. We're 5 years past the date predicted for this imaginary planet to hit us. Anybody can put anything on YouTube. That doesn't make it true. Here is another response and it is from NASA.

    Their words, not mine:

    I hope this is my last comment on the Nibiru hoax, but questions like the above six keep coming in. Most of the entries on the Internet about Nibiru are false. Wikipedia has it correct when they write that "Nibiru is a name in Sumerian, Babylonian astrology associated with the god Marduk, generally accepted as referring to the planet Jupiter." The rest is a hoax, including all the "stuff" questioner #! found on the internet. Questioners #2 and #3 mention the astronomical observatory at the South Pole, but I assure you these astronomers are not looking at Nibiru. The Antarctic is a great place for astronomical infrared and short-wave-radio observations, and it also has the advantage that objects can be observed continuously without the interference of the day-night cycle. If the questioner really thinks that Nibiru is visible in the daytime in the southern hemisphere, they are very confused; this sort of statement is obviously false.

    As for an asteroid in 2029-2036

    Astronomers rule out asteroid risk in 2029

    Further observations show space rock won’t hit Earth

    Paul Chodas / NASA / JPL

    A diagram shows the encounter between Earth and the asteroid known as 2004 MN4 on April 13, 2029. The thick white line shows the error margin in the asteroid's anticipated path. The fact that the line does not touch Earth means there is no chance of a collision.

    By Alan Boyle

    Science editor


    updated 7:06 p.m. CT, Mon., Dec. 27, 2004

    After issuing an unprecedented "yellow alert" for a potential cosmic collision, astronomers said further observations showed that a recently discovered asteroid had no chance of hitting Earth in the year 2029.

    Monday's announcement, issued by the Near Earth Object Program at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, capped a high-priority search for data about the space rock, which was discovered in June and designated 2004 MN4.

    Fortunately, the alert led astronomers to check their archives for images of the asteroid that might have gone unnoticed at the time. Guided by the latest data about 2004 MN4's orbit, the Arizona-based Spacewatch Project spotted the rock on five images made back on March 15, said Donald Yeomans, manager of the Near Earth Object Program.

    "When we added those five observations, the impact probability in 2029 went to zero," Yeomans told

    The 2029 event is still worthy of note, however, because it could rank among Earth's closest encounters with a potentially hazardous asteroid observed in modern times. Yeoman said the minimum distance would be 10 to 12 Earth radii — which translates to 40,000 to 48,000 miles, or 64,000 to 77,000 kilometers.

    "It's going to be quite impressive," Yeomans said.

    "However, our current risk analysis for 2004 MN4 indicates that no subsequent Earth encounters in the 21st century are of any concern," Yeomans and his colleague, Paul Chodas, said in the advisory sounding the all-clear.

    If you read all this, you will see that these are scares that have nothing to back them up.

  7. It sounds like some numerology thing. There are lots of people to whom certain number combinations have some meaning. Like July 7, 2007 (7/7/07) it was supposed to be lucky. If these doomsday events don't happen on the days that are predicted they will just find another day to pick. Like 12/21/2112 and then 12/21/2121 the list goes on.

    The reason for the Y2k bug in 2000 was that they thought that computers would crash all over the world because so many computers were only programmed to count the years to the the end of the year 1999.

    Like the one 8/08/08 on this date everyone will be ate up... lol

  8. It is just another internet rumor by people who have too much free time and nothing productive to do with it.

  9. If you are referring to the Y2K of 2000 then it was jsut a panic over electronics.  It was bascially a bug programmed to "shut down" PCs on the 1/1/2000.  No hence, no computers, no life.

    As for this new prophecy, i think its nothing but falsity.  I mean, come on!  We are supposed to believe Mayans who died a long time ago?  The Apocalypse is in God's hands, not the Mayans.

  10. noo there is no such thing is dooms-day the world will go on and on and on and on and if it does end you know that god will always be there by your side all you have to pray about is that you and your kids and you grandchildren and your great grandchildren etc. will get to live life to their fullest and never think that god will leave you.


    get out my face

  12. its two different stories, Y2K was just spread by some idiot paranoid american ( no offense on other americans), and 2012 is what the mayans ( who got mysteriously wiped out a long time ago) had on their calendar as the end because of some planet type stuff

  13. I see this question so much. I have never actually met a person who truly thinks it is supposed to end. It's like people bring up questions like this as if they intend to prove a point and are breaking new ground with their brilliance that the world won't end in 2012. Eveyone knows it isn't going to end.

  14. Well, if doomsday is 12/21/2012 then im SOL

    cause thats my birthday.

    but haha.

    well my outlook on it is this. The world will end when the world ends. no one NO ONE has knowledge of when the dooms day is. all of these statements are just hypothesis. a guess before actually proving its fact.

    if there really is a god. and i am faithful in god. but if there is a god. he is the one who decides when the world is gonna end. not a bunch of scientist who get there satisfaction by making up false lies just to make money.

    The scientiffic hypothesis that i believe in the most, is that in billions of years, the sun will actually implode, then expanding out in a huge cloude of gases, which will expand far.

    But please just dont worry about the world ending. everybodys time will come. just live your life every day. believeing what you what to believe. and doing what you love to do.

    sooo who knows when the worlds gonna end?

  15. The 2000 thing was Y2K, a supposed computer glitch, not a dooms day prophecy.

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