
Since experience is so important in foreign affairs who the better big game hunter Putin of Palin?

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Putin is pictured today bagging a tiger while Palin has a trophy grizzly her office.




  1. Palin wins!

    Actually is did nto know Putin was a hunter.☺

  2. Hunters have either a tiny brain or a tiny p****r.  

  3. d**k cheney

  4. I don't think I would want to go up against either. Since both animals have the capability to become the hunter!

  5. Well, since we don't have tigers in the US...

  6. Palin rocks!

    Putin is a wuss!!

  7. Let's send them off hunting each other... now there's the ticket.

    the greatest game.

    Can you imagine one or another of their heads over a mantlepiece...

    Just kidding just kidding GOPs just having a little fun with the imagery.

    Anyway, Bush loves Putin, and I assume Palin loves Bush, so she wouldn't hurt the wonderful guy. Though he might not return the favor.

  8. Tigers and bears I would say its a stalemate.

  9. I'd rather have a bear hunter than a tiger hunter.  India is our friend, Russia is our rival.  And that's as far as I go with that analogy.

    Palin is a supporter of my right to defend myself.  Obama is an opponent, that is one of many reasons why my vote goes to her.

  10. What a ticket - Putin-Palin.  Commie and Mommy.  Right Wing and Right Wing.  Heil and Hilter - together again.  A true pair of deuces!

    You KNOW that McCain isn't going to make it over a year as president - then we have Bimbo Palin - a person without a human soul - as president.  

    Oh wait - we already have Bush/cheney - and they don't have human souls either.  


    At least all the Fox News hags have stopped their lies (on a dime) about experience!

  12. I liked the "of" better.  Putin hunting Palin would make a great B movie.  A modern world From Here to Eternity.  Or remake the war between the snipers.  Great idea.

    KGB members hunted more than tigers.  Did Palin machine gun the grizzly or did she use a hunter's weapon?

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