
Since folks are losing there houses anyway why don't we all boycott gas and finish off our faltering economy?

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I mean let's just hurry up and get this Super Depression started off on the right foot so we can have our next and last full blown world war. That way the few million survivors in the southern hemisphere can get on with cleaning up the mess we have made. What do ya say?




  1. Maybe they wouldn't be losing them if they had thought when they bought, instead of stupidly and greedily going in over their heads.

    Maybe they would have the money, if they worked a second job like many immigrants who are showing us what the "American Dream" is all about.

  2. we sould not make some oone els clean up ower mess but I would boycott that c**p but if oboma wins we can bring back the econme and if we go to a depression than millons will die

    for a contry that does not care about there people all thay care about is money we sould overrun the government and take thire money for us and see how they like to live in the streets like ower poeple since they did not help the poor

  3. God you're an arrogant ****. "There's no meaning to their's either". If your life is the suckage that's your problem, but to assume everyone is as sucky as you is retarded. It's people like you that drag everyone else down. Instead of getting off your a** during hard times and bettering yourself you whine like a 2 year old and demand someone bail you out or you resort to a bi-polar attitude. Welcome to being human. Where things aren't always fair, life is hard and most fight to rise above it. Better yet go back to your hole. It'll benefit the rest of us if you do.

  4. let's just stop wasting

  5. The US has already lowered gas consumption yet the price continues to climb. The reason? Gas use is up in China and other emerging markets.

  6. If someone has lost their house, it is sadly, their own fault. I am blonde and even I know what an *adjustable* rate mortgage means! I don't know how you think a gas boycott is possible. I like my job and feeding my family.

    Your flippant demeanor about such an idea is what is depressing. You must have very little meaning in your life.

    I love you!

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