
Since god supposedly knows everything, doesn't he already know who's going to heaven?

by Guest63593  |  earlier

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Why waste time with waiting for this rapture thing? Seems counter-productive to me.




  1. He can tell your future by the choices you make.

  2. It does seem to be a bit of a rig-a-maroll. I mean what's with all the suspense and drama? Right? I guess that's one of those questions that [whoops] make a believer think. These are the kind of things that are best ignored. After all we don't want to stir slumbering brain cells.

  3. it will play out and glorify His Son .... of course He knows ..

  4. The future is just something we made up. It's something that doesn't exists in time yet, so God allows us to form out own lives and do what we believe is considered right.

  5. ok you see only a few people are going in the rapture.that is why god gives all the will have to chose to go or not. this is called grace age the Church age time period.

  6. Interesting question...

    I think it's mostly to help us learn, but that's just what I think.


  7. We don't know about how things work out, so it just may turn out that God truly does not know who is ending up where.

    It also might be that there is no rapture, that there is no h**l, and that we are here to learn some lessons, to accomplish some tasks before we leave this level of existence.

  8. Hey! Just because God is omniscient that doesn't mean he knows 'everything'...

    >.> <.<

  9. Yeah, He knows. And you're not on the list.

    Want to share a cab with me on the road to h**l? We can stiff the cabbie. What's he going to do, whine about it to Satan?

  10. Are you God?

  11. Because you could die before the rapture. everyone dies. just because GOD knows what will heppen, doesnt mean you do. so you should try to do your best. He gives you choices for you to be free and make your own decisions. he just already knows what you will pick. Just because of that though doesnt mean you shouldnt make the right decisions. you can eaither decide to fallow GOD or belive in him and go to heaven. or belive whatever your religion is.....Or not belive and try your best and not go to heaven....this life is still up to you and so is the next. its just GOD knows in the end what you will finally decide. Hope I helped.

  12. Yes, he does...and one obvious reason the rapture hasn't happened yet is that he isn't finished working on all the ones he wants to take (some, perhaps many, may still be in the planning stage...e.g., a twinkle in daddy's eye perhaps).

  13. Well,assuming that God exists and knows who's going to heaven,how would you know if you're going to heaven right?

  14. He knows, but knowing doesn't remove free will, you still have the choice of rather or not to go.  

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