
Since having my daughter my periods have gone weird...please help?

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Since having my daughter my periods have been lasting 3/4weeks! And they are really smelly! Not like a normal period 'fishy' smell, but a really vile almost pooy smell (best way I could describe it). I am also very sore down below from having to constantly wear sanitary towels, has anyone got any remedies for to sore? Has anyone experienced this?

Could it be due to the fact 3 weeks after birth I had the depo injections, then about 2 weeks ago I had the Implanon implant in? Could this make my bleeding weird?

I'm not bleeding heavy, it is more like bloody discharge most of the time and I increase after I have been doing a lot of work.

Please help, I had my daughter 18 weeks ago if that helps and have hadapproximatelyy 4 weeks so far with out bleeding (bleeding now and have been since 4 weeks ago)




  1. It sounds like you really need to see a doctor.  This does not sound normal.  Please call the doctor for an appointment!!!!!

  2. Oh!  A smell like that could signal uterine infection!   Please go back to your health care provider and talk to them about this, what you are describing is not good!  You could even have retained placenta from giving birth as well, even after all this time.  Please please please go see a doctor, and since your present doc hasn't taken care of this perhaps it's time to see someone new.

  3. I would go an see your GP as perhaps not all of the afterbirth came away. I had continuous bleeding after my first child for 12 weeks, i went for a scan to check everything had come away. It had and the bleeding eventually stopped. It is worth getting checked out. Good luck honey x

  4. definatly do to your doctor you may have some internel tears hence the pooy smell the wall between the v****a and a**s is very thin and can be damaged in childbirth and the longer you leave it the harder it will be to repair,

    Good luck

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