
Since her politics are so solid how long before the left goes on about "pretty Palin"?

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Since her politics are so solid how long before the left goes on about "pretty Palin"?




  1. Already started, but if she is "pretty" does that mean Hillary was OK because she is "ugly"?

  2. There isnt much they can put her down for so I think they will start the sexism c**p and make the women irate.  

  3. She is less qualified than Obama to be President. McCain now is too risky a choice for me.

  4. Oh I expect they will be saying she is too pretty very soon (what a great problem to have). Which will be funny since we have had to listen to how good looking Obama joe Biden is for the last 2 years.

  5. Her politics are so solid? Governor of Alaska and mayor of some little hick town there. Yah, really solid.

    The only reason she's been named as McCain's running mate is because she's filthy with oil. The only thing that Republicans care about.

  6. If her politics were so solid, she wouldn't be under investigation for abuse of power.  Pretty is as pretty does.  If she doesn't like you, why she just tells her underling to fire you.  How is that ethical?  

  7. 1 minute - they've already begun!

  8. Her politics are solid?  Yeah solid like swiss cheese you mean.  What a joke.  She had her former brother in law fired from his job as a state trooper for no good reason, she has NO experience...solid?  Who cares what she looks like...solid?

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