
Since humans and monkeys had the same ancestor,shouldn't we share the earth equally with our monkey brothers?

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Since humans and monkeys had the same ancestor,shouldn't we share the earth equally with our monkey brothers?




  1. NO?!?!?!!!

    haven't you seen Planet of the Apes???


  2. They're really more like maybe.

  3. That is the beauty of a free country.  If you want to share your house with a bunch of monkey brothers, you are free to do so.  If you think you are on the same plane with monkeys,  may God help you.

  4. Humans have a common ancestor with the mosquito & fruit fly too... this all depends on how far back one wants to trace evolution. Chuckle, unfortunately some critters do not share well.

  5. We do, we elect many of them to high office.

  6. i eat bananas and swing from trees

  7. sure lets throw c**p at each other.

  8. Although we share the same ancestors,

    not all of the primates evolved in the same


  9. Even if we were willing to do that it is likely that they wouldn't be smart enough to cooperate.  It's a cool thought though.

  10. Try to donate your money to save the gorillas. They are not our brothers As we don't have the same dna. If you aren't impressed then spend a day trying to talk to one.

  11. Sounds like a great plan....I think I know a few people who truly are monkeys....

  12. amen.  i got a few people i'd like to throw some poo at...

  13. Great question! I thought at first you were going to stir up the old "evolution" debate, but there seem to be some more mature and humorous folks willing to be involved here.

    Actually, all beings on this planet come from the same ancestors, amoeba-wise, but ya' gotta love the monkeys.

    I dare anyone to watch monkeys for a second and not see their humanness, or visa-versa.

    If mean people would stop being mean, then perhaps we could share this planet with all critters, but there are so many that consider themselves "above" others, that I personally would much rather share my house with monkeys.

    In fact I do. One is nine and the other is 12. Then there's me and the wife (the adult monkeys) and we even pick fleas off one another if need be.

    Yes, we should share the earth equally. That is my answer.


  14. One would think that we would share the world with our brothers, and even our other distant family members.  But, sibling rivalry will always prevent us from completely sharing.  Lucky for us, some small groups of humans do share.

  15. We share it, its not like we send them to Mars or the moon, or do we?

  16. Some of us actually do.

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