
Since it is now being proven that McCain started the war in Georgia/Russia, will this harm his chances?

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Georgia Lobbyist runs McCain's show:

Even the hyper-conservative, Pat Buchanan confirms the story:





    ever notice that McCain looks a lot like Slim Pickins?

  2. Sorry I don't believe such pap, specially during an election year. From what  I read no where was mcCain's name menction as the cause of the war. Try again.

  3. I think that depends on whether we can beat the Russians in four months.

    Edit: [ Is this what McCain has on offer? Endless war?

    Why would McCain seek foreign policy counsel from the same discredited crowd that has all but destroyed the presidency of George Bush?

    "Against the insidious wiles of foreign influence ... a free people ought to be constantly awake," Washington warned in his Farewell Address. Our Founding Father was warning against the Randy Scheunemanns among us, agents hired by foreign powers to deceive Americans into fighting their wars. And none dare call it treason.]

    WoWee...That don't sound like the Pat Buchanan I'm used to. Didn't he used to be on the other side?

  4. That is the wackiest bunch of liberal c**p ever. Very weak. Buchanan says things for the impact of the reaction of people. He'll do anything for attention since he was beaten for President.

  5. The propaganda wars are not going to go in that direction and I suspect you know that

    We are marching to war in my opinion although I am not convinced everybody is aware of that fact yet

    The story line is going to be - that Russia is a threat that they are continuing to threaten and that we are playing the part of the lone Ranger good guy protecting the people of Georgia and their right to be part of NATO if they wish to be

    That explanation is not going to be expanded upon in anyway but rather re-enforced by repetition -as long as the discussion can be kept one dimensional war becomes more and more possible - until war seems the only option left

    The Americans rush to put a shield in Poland - Russia tests an intercontinental ballistic missile and rumors cooperation with Iran and cutting oil supplies  

    NATO builds up a Naval armada in the Black Sea Russia is worried

    The Ukraine wants more money out of Russia for parking it's war ships there -

    Venezuela asks Russia to put a base there to protect him from the "evil" Americans - Cuba is fully on side with Russia

    The stage is set Unless a brilliant visionary steps up to the plate in the next few weeks or both sides are truly horrified at the consequences of an all out war would be - we as a planet are really screwed

  6. Although I am not a McCain fan, I think this is nonsense.   I am tired of all the candidate bashing on both sides, mostly with false accusations or outright lies.

  7. Ridiculous.  Georgia  wouldn't put themselves at risk for US political gain and it would be stupid for McCain to do  anything like that so far before the election.

    Read your sources again. It clearly states McCain is advocating Georgia to join NATO not to fight Russia.

  8. That's not proof, that just shows that McCain values lobbyists opinion so much so that he let's them write his economic and foreign policies even though they are being paid by corrupt dictators and corrupt corporations with vested interests.

    But, we already know this about McCain.  But it was the first time McCain actually said he was PROUD to have a lobbyist on his team.

  9. That, my friend, is total bull$hit.... You'd believe anything.

  10. Georgia CLEARLY wanted SO back under it's control, so there is mutual benefit... if McCain sent someone over to say "hey, we got your back"... and we found proof of that...

    it could be big...

    this seems to be assuming a few things though...

    but it's still twice as credible as half the stuff they bring up about Obama...

  11. Unfortunately, the Righties won't care

  12. Christ and to think that at one point i was this delusional

  13. ummm.. awesome but you know if its not in the national enquirer right wingers won't believe it...

  14. what ever you been smoking i think its bad stuff, you better go to bed and get a good nights sleep!

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