
Since last three days I am getting muscular pain all over the body?

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Is there any home remedy for it?.I tried warm water bath[except head] but the pain has not subsided.




  1. Check your body temperature if you have not done any physical work to cause it. If it is 99deg. this may be a cause.Aspirin tablet should suffice or if it is deeper then take Ibuprofen.

  2. get deep heat and get someone to massage it in or any muscle rub put get a massage will help.

  3. Have you done a heavy workout or something? It depends on what you've been doing within the past few days.. If workout is the cause of it, try 1000mg vitamin C twice daily to lower acid build-up in your muscles and go to a massage parlor and pamper yourself! :-)

  4. cold water or ice works better.acupressure ur hands especially the back of ur hand.and press ur fingers all over.

  5. Find a massage therapist, or a girl to make it better.

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