
Since mayweather is scared to fight cotto will the fight ever happen??

by Guest60980  |  earlier

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If so how will he win




  1. Honestly folks, you REALLY think a guy as arrogant and self confident as Floyd Mayweather is scared of Cotto?  Fighters at that level are obscenely narcissistic and uber confident..they have to be to do what they do.

    Oh, and don't forget that Floyd is way more skilled and talented than Cotto too.  The point to all this is, is that Floyd is going to do whatever he wants, and pleasing Cotto fans, then breaking their hearts, isn't just that important right now.  He wants to bank crazy cash be re-defeating Dela Hoya and Hatton, it's his perogitive, he's the best, Cotto just needs to get in line, or back up a Brinks truck into Floyd's driveway.

    Floyd wins because Cotto doesn't have the speed to catch up with him.  Cotto doesn't have the defense to get out of the way.  Cotto will be throwing rocks at a man with a machine gun.

  2. I don't wanna sound disrespectful, But Floyd is not scared of fighting Cotto. Search for his interview after his fight with Ricky Hatton.

    And yes It'll probely happen sometime next year. :)

  3. BigNorm,

    All Cotto has is Power ? Like I've said before, I've seen Power KO speed and I've seen speed outpoint power. To say that Cotto is one-dimensional is ridiculous. The people you listed, Tyson, Trinidad, and Lacy have never had the jab that Cotto uses efficiently and consistently. As a matter of fact, I think people underestimate Cotto's left hand and really don't understand that he is a natural south-paw. Interpretation: He does NOT flick a Jab! His jab is literally a straight power left. Look at every fight he has ever fought. The right side of his opponents faces are unrecognizable when he is finished. His body work is unparalleled.

    In all actuality the fighter who most resembles the boxers you stated is Margarito.

    I'll leave you with this, when Cotto knew he had won on the cards against Mosley did he sit there and trade with him ? Exactly, he didn't he outboxed him the last few rounds and won.

    And what DLH couldn't do consistently, jab, is what Cotto does religiously. Cotto by TKO in 8th over Floyd. He will walk Floyd down.

  4. BRENT you dont know what the h**l you are talking about, mayweather will NEVER fight magarito, hes already been offerd 8-10 MILLION dollars and turned it down,

    As for cotto, that fight will happen late next year if he can pass thru margarito which i ithink he will

  5. i think mayweather will fight cotto but not for a while not till he is about to retire so he has a reason that he loss because he is old or something, something bull$hit thats for sure

  6. yes  it well happen beacuse if dont he tile have to giveing to cotto

  7. A contact of mine on this site said it best. Floyd will fight Cotto or Margarito when it becomes financially viable for him to do so. PBF would beat them both.

    P4Lb#1 - You don't know what the h**l you're talking about. At the time the Margarito fight was offered there were "back door" negotiations taking place to fight De La Hoya. Hmmm? 20 million plus or or 8 million? What would you take?

  8. Floyd will fight Cotto when they make it a mandatory for him to fight the number one contandor Plain and Simple if he's smart he'll negotiate before to keep levrge

  9. The answer to this question is simple if you take away Cotto's Power what else does he have? Nothing that can really pose a realistic threat. Floyd Mayweather is a very skilled fighter with more than one strength and to beat guys like that its going to take more than power. Everyone gets so hyped on a Knockout fighter and doesn't really examine the other skills they have most of them don't have any. Jeff Lacy, Mike Tyson, George Foremen, Felix Trinadad, All these guys had come forward styles and once someone took away there greatest asset which was their power we all seen what happened. BUT OF COURSE EVERYONE HATES FLOYD SO THEIR GOING TO FIND SOME WACKY REASON WHY COTTO WOULD WIN.

    Frank S

                    What I was trying to explain is that Cottos only real way of winning is to come forward and use his punching power. Floyd has way more Tools on his belt than Cotto. I hope your not trying to suggest that Cotto can outbox Floyd Because then your talking nonsense. Cotto can box B class guys just because he used his legs to save his victory with Mosley doesn't mean he outboxed him. His Jab is good with guys like Gomez with Floyd its a liability because he is extremely slow and Floyd come over the top or just pick it off all night. COTTO'S BOXING IS GOOD IN SOME CASES NOT THIS ONE.

  10. I do think the fight will happen, but that's assuming Cotto gets by Margarito, first. Margarito will not be a small task for Cotto. Anyway, if and when Mayweather faces Cotto, I think Mayweather will outpoint Cotto for a decision win.

  11. very convenient excuse - money.....wil not fight if Arum is on it.....loaded sched.

    lame excuses.

  12. there are two things you need to know

    1) Contrary to what some people on this forum say, the Cotto camp has not yet issued any official challenge to Mayweather, all this talk about PBF and cotto facing each other is speculation, Bob Arum has not made any proposal to Floyd for a fight and Cotto himself has not issued any challenge nor called out Mayweather, Floyd Maywethaer is busy making money fighting De La Hoya (it is a marketing strategy,this time for example Floyd's dad is going to train Oscar....that will be the central theme for the HBO special 24/7) and many people are expecting the fight to fetch some serious cash, after that fight he will have the choice of either facing Hatton again in england (at webley stadium where attendance records will be set for sure) or the winner of Cotto vs margarito at that point knowing Floyd he will look at which fight will probably give him the most money and go with need to understand that Floyd is still considered the pound for pound king, he is not supposed to go around challenging people, if anything people should challenge him and despite all the talk by boxing fans, Cotto has not issued a challenge yet.

    2) right now PBF is not really concerned with Cotto and is in bad terms with Bob Arum who handles Cotto's fights, and as such it is not going to be easy to come to terms to make the fight happen since both Mayweather and Arum have notoriously large egos and will always be at each other's throats, recently Arum made some remarks about Mayweather (even though he never calls him by name) perhaps he is hoping to get mayweather pissed enough to say something in return thus creating a dramatic element around the possibility of the the end it is all about the money, everyone wants to get paid. Moreover Arum knows that Mayweather is much more experienced,much faster, and technically superior to Cotto therefore it should not surprise you that he will keep his young protege from fighting PBF too soon...

  13. the fight will happened when cotto is no longer in his prime

  14. you anwsered your own question didnt you?

  15. Floyd Mayweather is not afraid of Miguel Cotto or margarito or anybody.  If I had his skills I wouldnt be either LOL.  WHEN that fight happens, and I expect it to sometime next summer Floyd Mayweather will box the ______ out of Miguel Cotto and stop him sometime in the championship rounds.

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