
Since military troops serving abroad are supporting Obama in their contributions?

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six times more than they are supporting McCain, shouldn't we support the troops instead of just talking about supporting them. A vote for Obama wold be supporting the troops.




  1. Here here Truthseeker!

    To bad America is a talk about it country and a not do it one.

  2. Nice try. If you look at the numbers there are less than 2000 donors total. Obama got approximately 300 more donors out of the hundreds of thousands of troops who have served in Iraq. If you're going to make an argument, at least make it a little difficult to crush.

  3. You would think so, no? I guess this is just more proof that republicans don't do what they say. Just like our President kept insisting if the Iraqi people asked us to leave we would. I see neither happening.

  4. It's cause the troops are tired and alot of them are dying because they are hunting the wrong enemy.

  5. It found that 859 members of the military donated a total of $335,536 to Obama. McCain received $280,513 from 558 military donors.

    Among soldiers serving overseas at the time of their donations, 134 gave a total of $60,642 to Obama while 26 gave a total of $10,665 to McCain

    ONE HUNDRED AND THIRTY FOUR TO 26.  Wow what a representation of what the "troops" want being that the military is made up of over 100,000 members in Iraq alone

    what your "report" also fails to mention is that it was done with ALL THE REPUBLICANS STILL IN THE RACE.  so the 859 members actaully gave more to REPUBLICAN PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATES THAN Obama but being that there were more REPUBLICAN CANDIDATES the amount was spread out.

    Ill get you the REAL NUMBERS even though I know you dont really want the reality

    Obama, Barack $335,536 859

    McCain, John $280,513 558

    Paul, Ron $232,411 537

    Clinton, Hillary $167,050 376

    Republican National Cmte $135,902 219

    Huckabee, Mike $66,751 127

    Thompson, Fred $46,400 93

    Romney, Mitt $43,307 96

    Giuliani, Rudolph W $22,050 47

    National Republican Senatorial Cmte $21,885 26

    DNC Services Corp $16,873 53

  6. According to Republicans if you favor Obama, you're anti-American and you hate the troops. Now that the troops favor Obama it's clear.

    Republicans only use the troops when they need to push their agenda. If it's starting an illegal war they'll use them, but when there's thousands of homeless veterans they will claim those veterans are just lazy drug addicts and that they're not homeless because of mental or physical injuries they suffered in the war.

    Republicans, do you now realize why the rest of the country hates you?

  7. These are the kind of questions that should be asked during political debates!

    Military troops are tired of being used and abused by an ignorant administration. They are courageous people and are risking their life everyday, but they are not stupid.

    Yes, voting for Obama means a support for the military troops.

  8. That wasn't even worth reporting, it was such a small number of donations that it doesnt mean anything and it only tracked donations of over $200.

    Are you people kidding. You must not know very many Soldiers most of them would never vote for Senator Obama.

    This news report proves nothing!

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