
Since most Americans want communism why do we still have the Constitution?

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I mean look at all the things the communists used to do which are now practiced by the American government. We might as well make it official and declare communism in America. Am I right? A FREE COUNTRY that has secret police; a nationwide system of informants; numerous databases on every man, woman, and child in America; unwarranted searches; wholesale entrapment; presumed guilt; excessive or no bail; seizure of property without due process; concentration camps/gulags; torture; rigged elections; engineered disasters like 9/11 (for the purpose of ultimately declaring martial law); legally sanctioned disappearances; and the gradual confiscation of firearms! SO RUSSIA AND n**i GERMANY WERE FREE COUNTRIES?!!!




  1. dude, you are exactly right, United Socialist States America. we need a constitution revolution.  

  2. Whitemale must be right since all the answerers could do was launch personal attacks rather than disagree and explain why they disagree.

    And skywhatever, your statement about 'liberals' (which has become nothing more than a pergorative term for anyone who doesn't give israel everything they want) is, well, typically dishonest.

    The neocons (I won't call them conservatives because they're not) by and large have rubberstamped all these authoritarian abuses, which, when America was a free country, were illegal:  secret police; a nationwide system of informants; numerous databases on every man, woman, and child in America; unwarranted searches; wholesale entrapment; presumed guilt; excessive or no bail; seizure of property without due process; concentration camps/gulags; torture; rigged elections; engineered disasters like 9/11 (for the purpose of ultimately declaring martial law); legally sanctioned disappearances; and the gradual confiscation of firearms!

    We are now seeing who the real patriots are.  And, folks, they're not these residents of Tel Aviv pretending to be Mr and Mrs America.

    In Jesus' Glorious and Holy name

  3. well you either did something you feel guilty about or you forgot to take your meds

    oh yeah the guys will be there in a minute

    when they knock just go quietly  

  4. I think your proposition here is flawed:  most Americans do NOT want communism.

    I think, however, that many are so enamored of the utopian dream of socialism that they want to give it a try.  But most are too ignorant of the history of socialism, and the reality of its implementation, to comprehend that socialism CANNOT work, because it goes against the inborn, genetic reality of human nature.

    As to your other assertions about the U.S., you have your head on backwards about it all.  You've been drinking far too much of the Democratic/Liberal Kool-aid of late.

  5. I would agree with your tone!  but something i Disagree with is the term to describe it.  

    I would put this society in the category of National Socialism. Socialism is the ticket of control and influence over the American(and really the world) citizens... But I would say that most Americans don't want communism or fascism or socialism, but if they are blinded (like the Germans) by a artificially focused nationalism, Socialism becomes your past, present, and future.  Socialism With Intense Nationalism becomes the only way of doing business and staying secure and loving your service to your government.

    all the while a few rich oligarchs play god with your life and pull the strings of your past, present and future.  the vast majority see economics and politics with such a confusing and boring overtone that we reject it, and we are steared from knowledge and freedom into a blinding world of witch hunts and wild goose chases, celebrities, terrorists, and worst of all...a complete false reality of HUMANITY.

    and as a secondary thought...the way the term conspiracy theorists is constrived with such negative overtones is so orwellian its unbelievable.  The way "Tin Foil Hat" is just regurgetated with any mention of conspiracy insults human intellegence...most of these types of people believe there is a Liberal or a NEO-con conspiracy in the media...They are divided and conquered because liberals and conservative in private are friends and work together.  Its like taking WWE as a real thing.

  6. Your out there bro!!!!!!  

  7. "engineered disasters like 9/11 (for the purpose of ultimately declaring martial law)"

    Geez, seems like that plan failed doesn't it.  7 years on and still no martial law, hmmm.  

  8. Russia and communism have something in common they are ( a science). They are also subject to governing universal laws of history. There is a hole in history, a kind of chamber where all generations go. they become the living relics for future references.Russia is being swallowed into history and fighting for survival but like the frog swallowing the gecko head first you see only the tail end.

  9. You say terrible things, but the most terrible is what you seem to be right. Yet I doubt what *the most Americans* want communism. Government does.

  10. How do you figure that most American want Communism? That's a slap in the face of all the US military personnel who dies in the Korean War, Vietnam and other conflicts we had in stopping the spread of Communism. How do you feel that you can speak for most of America?

  11. The only folks who want communisms, consider them selves liberal. They do this b/c they are taught that their leaders are smarter than they are and should be making the decisions for them.

    However, conservatives have been fighting to keep America free and you'll have to take our guns from our cold dead fingers before we give up our constitutional rights!

  12. Wow.....  

    You're up early today.  Do the nurses know that you are playing with the computer again?

    Tell me something, do you cut holes in the aluminum hat so you can see or is that just an invitation for the little voices to come in?

  13. you have a lot more to be robbed of before you finally get to communism.

    communism in fact means "NO RIGHT TO OWN OR BEAR ANYTHING", including fiearms, or free speech.

    you are inflating certain things, for there are definitely NO concentration camps in the US /including Gitmo/.

    You seem a little bit deluded regarding the communism. I believe it is because the communism happened to be sorta fictional and abstract enemy to you.

    After all, you have the choice to MOVE OUT of the country, which many citizens of Eastern block were denied from.

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