
Since most college requires the SAT, what happens when u fail the test?

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most colleges look at your score on the SAT, and there is a specific amount you need to score in order for the college to accept you, what happens if you fail the SAT?




  1. There's no such thing as failing the test. Most, if not all colleges accept ACT as well as SAT and it seems to be much easier for some people. Just make sure you take both at least once if you aren't confident about one.

    Oh yeah, and the score range shown on and on the college website itself represent the middle 50% of students enrolled meaning that those scores do not dictate whether you get in or not.

  2. You go to a bad college.  Maybe a good ACT score could help make up for it.

  3. take it again, and study a lot so you don't fail

  4. You can't fail the SAT.  There's no score that you have to score above or else you won't get credit for your score.  In fact, if you leave everything blank, I think you end up with a 200 on each section.  

    Each college has its own standards for a good score.  You can get a general idea of good score for a particular school by buying a college guide book.  Personally, I'd reccomend The Fiske Guide to Colleges.  Keep in mind that SAT scores are not the most important factor for getting accepted and some schools don't even require them.

  5. You can always go to a community college, they accept everyone.

  6. the SAT starts at like a 5th grade level and gets harder as long as u haven't failed everything ur SAT's should reflect ur grades or maybe even higher, don't worry about it, but if u want to study they make practice books that rly prepare you

    this is juicy;...

  7. Well you can't "fail" the sat. You can always go to community college. Or you can take the sat again.  

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