
Since my aunt passed away we see 8 can you help?

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my aunt passed away 8-8-08. well everywhere we look 8 popps up. And since she has passed strange things have happened. but the times we see 8 is either 8 will pop up or 16 will pop up which is 8+8 its so weird its kinda freaky. do you think my aunt is trying to tell my family something?




  1. No, I don't.  I believe it's all coincidental.  Kind of like when the movie about the Enigma of 23 came out - My street address was 7709, which added up to 23,  and my apt. # was also 23.  Sometimes when a loved one passes away we miss them so much, we look for signs wherever we can and hope they are some sort of signal from them.  It's hard to believe that they are really gone and we hope they are trying to still communicate with us.  We just miss them so much we want to hear something from them - want to know they are still with us and not really gone.

  2. I'm sorry about your loss but no, she isn't.

  3. I would go along with the rest of the people who answered, it's just a coincidence that's all,  so sorry for your loss by the way.

    Hope this helps.

  4. Well, if you ask me(u did!) I would say it's just mere coincidences. Maybe all types of numbers are popping up, but you only notice the 8s or 16s. Take this as an example: I always found that when I would learn a new thing or new word, that word was popping up everywhere. I would notice it and would sometimes get frustrated that no one else seemed to notice this. So I asked my brother. He told me that that word was always there or that they didn't just start using that word all of a sudden. You see, there are always little details you only seem to notice until you have something to coincide it with. So, don't worry, your aunt is not trying to tell you guys anything. It's mere coincidence.

  5. Though I believe in paranormal activity, I think this is simply a coincidence. You probably saw these numbers just as much before, but didn't notice because you had no reason to question it.

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