
Since native people are said to have descended from asians, is it possible Senator John McCain hates them,...?

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including Me because he was alledgedly tortured in Vietnam? whats his feelings on Arizona indians? watched a debate on Obama last night is it possible Senator McCain was elected because of his hatred for asians/indians? you can't tell me he doesn't hold a grudge? Is this the man you want leading your country? And how does his name glorify Lord God, because Ro. 16. said all things to glorify Lord god. previous answers of My showed how Willard Romney, Obama, and Hillary's names have glorifed LORD GOD as the same person? And final question is this gonna hurt Senator McCains chances, just like writting Senator John Kerry's name like J.Kerry shows he is part Or is my politicing to much for them to handle?




  1. I think that you just qualified for the stupidest question of the day award.

  2. I think John McCain should hire you to run political ads against would probably give his campaign a boost

  3. Congratulations on the current 3 questions that you have in this section.

    They are the most meaningless drivel I've read in the last 24 hours.

  4. Stay off the booze.

  5. Sleep it off you are not coherent.

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