
Since nearly everything at Walmart is made in china, has anyone performed air quality tests in-store?

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Since nearly everything at Walmart is made in china, has anyone performed air quality tests in-store?




  1. Great question. Can I just cut and paste from the guy above me?? I liked his answer.

  2. They probably did do tests...and kept the results under wraps.

    I never step into that store...I hate what its doing to this country

  3. ok not just Walmart, EVERYTHING is made in CHINA, trust me. sony cameras r made in japan though, right? WRONG, made in china, says so on the box, things r changing, dont worry china is stepping up their standards.

  4. I know Walmart is the poster child for how to build a company of bad ethics and bad products, but look around, everything is made in China now, or Taiwan.

    Our clothes are made in the middle east and South America and our techno junk is made in China, yay!!!!

  5. Yes people don't give any thought to how much energy is being used to ship everything half way around the world just to get it a little cheaper.

  6. Great question.  Do you know that Wal-Mart sales represent 20 per-cent of total retail sales in the United States?  Wal-Mart had a 2.4% sales increase for the Christmas season.  Not much, but when considered in view of 20% of total retail sales, it is "very much" indeed.  But, this doesn't answer your question.  I doubt if they have performed air quality tests other than in situations where they have encountered some mole problems.  Our local Wal-Mart, for example, has asbestos floor tiles.  This is okay, as long as they are not disturbed, they say.  But, what really happens to floor tiles as they wear?  No one knows to my knowledge!  But, this still doesn't answer your question.  The truth is, I haven't a real clue!  Best regards,

    Jerry K.

  7. walmart represents everything that is wrong with this country. companies like walmart are putting all the small businesses in the area they are in out of business. mom & pop shops can't really compete with corporate giants with their importation of cheap goods from china as far as pricing cuz they won't make any profit. in other words, this corporate monopoly is making it harder and harder to be a middle-class small business owner.

    but walmart is like the worst of the worst because it's a greedy anti-union company that has been proven many a time to try to make a profit using its own employees health benefits. especially 1 disturbing case where they had taken out life insurance policies on their employees and made walmart the beneficiary! the insurance program at walmart is a fraud and intended to discriminate against whole groups of people & take advantage of the public welfare/medicaid so they don't have to provide those services. a walmart worker could end up paying about 45% of their salary before seeing a single benefit. and they are notorious for hiring mostly part-time/firing employees to ensure a good turn-over, and less benefits. everyone rightfully got on walmart's case after it was statistically shown that their health insurance package managed to effect medicaid and health insurance for THE ENTIRE COUNTRY because of all the people who work there who received welfare, food stamps and public health care.

    walmart also uses many other tactics to grow and profit at the taxpayer's expense. many, if not most or all, walmart stores are built with bonds that are issued by the local community. in other words you get to pay for it to be built!! and they pay no property taxes. and unfortunately many competitors have had to follow the model to keep up.

  8. Don't even get me going on Walmart... just like many environmental issues people are in denial about how bad this corporation is for America. But then again, most Americans these days don't care about much beyond their own narrow self interests.

    So this is a good suggestion, I like where it could go...

    Shop at Walmart and die!

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