
Since noone answered my other question:here is a delightful survey?

by  |  earlier

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1. What is the most wonderful time of the year in the NHL: Opening night or the NHL Winter Classic???

2. When the 2008-2009 season finally arrives, how soon will you go to your first game of the season and what seats will you have/or how early will you go?

3. Which NHL team only based on their "new" teams-at the start of the season, has the best playoff chance??

4. IceGirls or puck bunnies: If the NHL let the fans vote which of these 2 will not be allowed at the hockey game from now on, which would you choose to get rid of and why?

5. You attend an a hockey game on the night your team has the meet and greet before the game.which player on your favorite team would you want to see first?

6. Your sitting behind the penalty box of the opposing team and a player you don't like is in there,what would you say to him?

7.what is your favorite location in the arena(press box,high seats)?

8.If you were to be a goalie, what would your helmet look like?pleez be appropriate




  1. no ones answering because this is the 5th or 6th time you've posted  the same question

  2. 1.) Opening night. (Stanley Cup playoffs actually).

    2.) Probably in October to a Ducks game on the second level. 30 minutes before puck drop.

    3.) Detroit Red Wings. WAY too stacked.

    4.) Ice girls as in the ones that shovel the snow? I LOVE those! Ice girls as in figure skaters? I HATE those!

    5.) Chris Osgood. No doubt.

    6.) Depends on the player. Assuming it's Sidney Crosby, I'd tell him he had a little dirt on his lip.

    7.) Right up on the glass.

    8.) I am a goalie, and I have the Kamikaze flag painted.

    Good survey!

  3. And I would like to add to Jay K's answer, that you copied Howler's question.

  4. 1. classic

    2. once I can go to a canucks or a pens game in SJ. My two favorite teams, hundred of miles away...

    3. honestly don't know

    4.Hey if I get the goods, I'm happy!

    5. Crosby, and Luongo

    6."Finally ur off the ice!"

    7. hot dog stand

    8. A wolf

    That was a nice survey! Do it more often

  5. 1 Opening Night, I dream about it every night

    2 About a week or so

    3 Detroit

    4 Puckbunnies, I don't want their pebbles all over my seats.

    5 Of course Stajan, he is my fav on the leafs

    6 Nice Penanlty, go suck a stick?

    7 Press Box

    8 A Black Jaguar and where my face is is the mouth

    How many times can U ask this???

  6. 1. Opening night....ive been waiting a long time for it.

    2. opening night were going to see the redwing banner raising ceromony.

    3. DETROIT!!

    4. puck bunnies ughh their annoying, they just want to get on camera.

    5. lidstrom.

    6. hahahah i would get "reported" cant say it on YA

    7. front row, get them every time thanks to my bro #28 <33

    8. would be sweet

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