
Since obama is falling in the polls,was his VP choice a good one?

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Since obama is falling in the polls,was his VP choice a good one?




  1. I wouldn't say he's falling in the polls. I would say that McCain got a small boost after the RNC, just as Obama did after the DNC. It will all reverse itself next week...or when the debates begin.

  2. It was a non-choice choice he had to make...he had to get a guy who's been around a while.

    His polls are falling because people have now changed their minds and went to McCain, and Independents are begninning to choose.

  3. Last time I checked he was up.

  4. I would have to say, 'NO."

    I watched Joe Biden in the congressional hearing with the oil executives. He sat there asking the right questions but when he was given a non-sensical answer about how the price of oil changed other aspects of the business, he sat there and took it (hook line and sinker). He was just acting the tough guy and did NOTHING to follow-up these stupid answers,

    I have learned to HATE that guy and I don't hate much.

  5. Seriously? Hillary would have been a better choice, but Biden was the best second.  He's going to take Palin apart in the debates.  Listen, the polls went up for Obama after the Dem convention, and the polls will go up for McCain after this convention.  It's a no-brainer.  We won't see a poll reflective of what's really coming in November until after the first debate.  

  6. Yes...but his VP choice was 2 weeks ago, unless Biden has done something incredibly stupid in 14 days, which he hasn't, then why would his VP pick matter now?  Oh...and polls really don't matter.  

  7. Biden=snore  

  8. No it wasn't, and yes Obama is falling in all 3 polls released in the last 24 hours.  Depending on which one you believe, Rasmussen, Gallup or CBS, McCain has gained somewhere from 4 to 6 points on Obama.  Keep in mind that Obama had NO bounce at all the day after his convention.

  9. It was a fine choice.

    Do I need to rub my eyes or are bitter Hillery supporters really going to vote for a pro life women who is against s*x education and has a pregnant teenage daughter.  Are you really going to set women s rights back 10 years?

  10. he is?

  11. I was a Hillary supporter, and was disappointed by Obama's choice,BUT not enough to fall for the Republicans ridiculous  choice of a "Moose Hunter" to fill the shoes  of the VP spot!

    Don't get to excited Obama is still leading in the gallup Polls!


  13. It was not his VP choice that was bad, it was the choice of fielding him over Hillary.

  14. No.  He would have been much smarter to choose Hillary Clinton.

    But I'm glad he didn't since I'm backing McCain!!

    Democrats for McCain !!!

  15. Check Real Clear Politics. Obama is still in the lead. Doesn't say much about McCain that he's losing to a first-term Senator, does it?

  16. Obama is still ahead.  Obviously, Biden wasn't too bad of a choice, huh?  OBAMA '08!!

  17. The worst decision he's made so far was not selecting Hillary as his VP. And it will be the reason he loses in November. Choosing Biden contradicted his entire message and underscored that even he recognized his experience is sorely lacking.

  18. are you looking at the Fox News polls?

    last i saw on an average of all polls it show Obama gained 3 points in the last 2 weeks putting in 6 points ahead of McCain.

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