
Since pescatarians aren't really vegetarians they can eat/use gelatin and products with gelatin right?

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My friend is becoming a pescatarian for a week and she wants to know everything she can't eat. I realize she can't have any meat other than seafood but does gelatin matter for a pescatarian.




  1. This is really a simple question. Gelatin is normally obtained by processing bones skin and connective tissue of mammals. So, in theory your friend should not eat Gelatin.

    On the other hand, your friend can boil the bones and connective of the fish and sea-food and make her own Gelatin.

    In my personal opinion, your friend is starting to eat fish for health reasons specially omega 3. In that case she might eat commercial gelatin as well.

    She is not a vegetarian because of religion like Hindus Jains or some Buddhists. She is a vegetarian as a choice for lifestyle and compassion for animals. Let her judge her own comfort level.

  2. Pescetarians only eat fish as their meat. Gelatin has bones from mammals as well as hoof trimmings and fish don't have hooves.

  3. A pescatarian doesn't eat land animals, so she can't eat gelatin.

  4. Avoid identifying yourself with these ideals.  Just eat what you want.  That is, eat what makes you feel good and what you feel good about eating.  Why bother with the labels?

  5. Gelatin is mashed up animal bones. Ergo gelatin is NOT vegetarian. If she eats only fish, gelatin is a no-no. She would not be a pescatarian if she ate animal bones. Because even vegetarians don't eat gelatin (it's not just a Vegan only thing). Vegetarians/ lacto or-ovo, or both, do not eat gelatin. So if your friend wants to be a true "pescatarian" it means no gelatin. Hope this helps.

  6. Gelatin is a no-no for a pure pescatarian, however, many vegetarians consume gelatin without a second thought. But strictly, no, since gelatin is made from neither plants nor fish, it is not pescatarian friendly.

  7. any time you decide to eat any living creature you are not a vegetarian so pescartarians are meat eaters even if it is just fish. if your friend plans on eating fish then she may as well eat gelatin.  

  8. Well, I've been a Pescetarian for quite some time now, and I stopped eating Jell-O. >_< I also don't drink milk, but that's a personal choice.

  9. It does not matter

    I would also say this to her: stop obsessing with labels and just eat what you want. Seems like a label is dictating what you eat and how you live your life.  

  10. um as a vegetarian you don't eat flesh, you can eat gelatin tho

    vegans don't eat ANYTHING from animals

    pescetarians can eat gelatin

  11. Nope. Gelatin is not derived from fish, but mammals. Therefore a pescetarian (one who foregos foods derived from all animals except fish) can NOT eat it. I guess it depends on the individual pescetarian and her comfort level and reasons for going pescetarian, but I would say no. By the dictionary definition, she would not eat gelatin as a pescetarian.

  12. Technically, I think that it isn't suitable for a pescatarian because it isn't from a fish - it's from pigs and cows which are land mammals. But I don't think it matters too much.

  13. What exactly is a pescetarian?  If it's a person who eats no animals except fish, then I think gelatin would be excluded.  

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