
Since physicists have concluded that ghost/spirits exists why do skeptics still refuse to admit they are real?

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In a recent article in applied physics a noted PHd has shown that what we call ghosts or spirits are in fact creatures made of another state of matter (plasma-3) and have shown how plasma can travel interdementionally why do skeptics still say they don't exist? I mean I can't see an atom but I'm pretty sure there are such things. From what I read and understood about the research plasma-3 is the same basic type of matter/energy that makes plasma TV's work with the exception that they derive power through electromagnetic energy as opposed to ac/dc energy. the electromagnetic energy is also what allows them to interact with objects and people since it exists in every thing on the planet in some manner. So if your still skeptical explain why?




  1. What physicists have concluded is the possibility that ghosts exist, which is not the same thing. Also, being skeptical makes one think more critically, refusing to accept an answer until proven over and over and over again. Obviously, if ghosts do exist, then their existence cannot be based and assumed, especially in the scientific realm, on expository or hearsay data. Its a good theory, but it is only a theory at this point, since it hasn't been proven. Also, at what point does a 'ghost' become a ghost and not somehting else? What is the plasma density of a spirit as opposed to a ghost, or a living being who is dead and a ghost, if any? A ghost could be considered a more liquid phase entity than the gaseous phase entity, and thus proving ghosts would still not prove anything above its plasma state. And since we know energy can be understood as moving at up to the speed of light squared (e=mc2) something moving at the speed of light might have an entirely different classification than soemthing moving at 2x the speed or 10x the speed of light (still a far cry from c2.) Again, where do you draw the line at calling it a 'ghost' in scientific terms?

    I would rather have a conscientious and scrupulous skeptic searching for ghosts than a haphazzard believer anyday. Haphazzard, willing to believe anything, researchers are how religions get founded.

  2. They need physical evidence.

  3. I am not a skeptic, however I have never heard of this paper. If there is such an article can it be found on-line and a link provided? Hmm. I shall look about and get back to you...~M~

  4. Skeptics won't believe till something serious happens to them.  The most common thing I hear is "why hasn't someone taken a picture."  But every picture they come across they say is photo-shopped.  I think they'd rather believe that there's no such thing as plasma tv screens then actually acknowledge a ghost.

  5. I would also like to read this paper. It intrigues me very much.

  6. They don't believe. It's not a matter of refusing to admit anything. That would require that they believe.

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