
Since "cowboy diplomacy" has been an abyssmal failure, would "maverick diplomacy" work any better?

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on foreign countries?

Or do we need a leader with a more balanced "carrot and stick" approach to diplomacy at this point?




  1. Cowboy diplomacy gave the world two more democratic countries and two more US allies.

    Well said, Dina.

  2. I will guarantee you that the Wimp Diplomacy of Obama will not work.

    The Russian invasion of the Sovereign Nation of Georgia is very similar to the invasion of the Sudetenland by Adolf Hitler.

    Hitler said that he was invading the Sudetenland which was part of the Sovereign Nation of Cechoslovakia to protect German Citizens in the Sudetenland.

    Putin says that he ordered the Russian invasion of South Ossetia, which is part of the Sovereign Nation of Georgia, to protect Russian Citizens in South Ossetia.

    When Hitler saw that none of the European Countries came to the defense of the Sudetenland, Hitler continued to invade the Sovereign Nation then known as Czechoslovakia.

    Putin, seeing that the United States and no other European Nations have comeforward to oppose him in South Ossetia, which is part of the Sovereign Nation of Georgia has continued to invade the Sovereign Nation of Georgia.

  3. "carrot and stick"

    Is always used first.......

    Remember the 14 UN Security Violations that Sadam Hussein broke first...   over a decade..  the sanctions that the Iraq people had to live through during that time....

    How about Iran..  The entire world has been using the same "carrot and stick" approach...   Have they stopped their Nuclear Proliferation...  NO....  and they have no plans on doing so...

    So what happens when the "carrot and stick" does not work?

  4. Negotiating from strength works best when it is backed up by a strong leader who is perceived as willing to use our awesome military to punish the recalcitrant countries. I always liked Westerns. Maverick was one of my favorites!

  5. Well if history is any indicator we may very well end up with another PNAC sponsored presidency like we had with Ronnie and bush 1 & b2.

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