
Since smackdown is moving to mynetworktv can i know what channel it is?

by  |  earlier

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i live in Puerto Rico and yes i know i can catch it saturday on televicentro but i want to see it fridays like god wants us all to do.

So i want to know in which channel i can see it.

I have Dish Network. Any help would be appreciated thanks




  1. I have Dish Network and I watch it on channel 50 in the US

  2. You're best bet is to check on when WWE puts up a link showing all the MyNetwork TV Stations.

  3. LOL like god wants us all to do~

    Umm im not sure for the specific in Puerto Rico

    City Town will help

    Real Wrestling Fans can Answer this

  4. As far as I can tell MNTV doesn't have a station in Puerto Rico. You would have to check with Dish Network to make sure though.

  5. channel 25

  6. channel 20

  7. Yeah MNTV doesn't exist in Rico. I think it will still be on televicentro as this only happens in the US. Right now it's on the CW network.

  8. wasn't mynetworktv formally upn?

    wasn't smackdown originally on upn?

    someone help me out.

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