
Since some large cities are starting to make people pay a fee to drive into the city, will they continue to?

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make people pay the city tax fee which is automatically taken out of their paycheck? I remember PA used to have that kind of automatic tax/fee taken out by the employer from your paycheck. I don't think it would be proper to pay both fees. What do you think? Aren't both of those to be used for the same purpose? And, which would you rather pay?




  1. neither. i pay enough taxes.

    the average u.s. worker must labor from january 1 to mid may in order to pay all taxes. (federal, state, sales etc.)

  2. We have congestion charge in London but we dont pay a tax for living in London, we just pay inflated prices for living here, I dont mind the conjestion charge , its pretty pointless driving around London, its just as quick to take London Transport and much cheaper.  I dont have a car and dont drive either.

  3. That all depends what each fee is for.  If one is a congestion tax or a road toll (two very different things) and another is a fee for working in the city (to maintain its infrastructure) leave them.  If they're both congestion related (which seems unlikely) one should go.

    User fees and tolls are a very good way to raise money and encourage certain behavior (like rational rather than frivolous use of transportation infrastructure).   If you don't have user fees, you pay for roads, etc. out of general tax revenue, which can be bad-  you aren't able to accuratele calculate the cost of what you do (i.e. the costs are externalized).  

    User fees instead of or supplanting tax revenue internalizes costs- maks you pay up front, and in proportion to what you're using.  This allows people to make smarter choices about travel, etc.  It's all about cost/benefit.

    Raise the cost of doing something, and those for whom the benefit was only marginal will stop doing it.  The benefit for driving your car into central London, etc.  is personal to each individual.  If it's worth it, you will, if not, you'll notice Tube ridership going up...

    These fees give the citizen the opportunity to make more informed decisions.

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