
Since some people say that it's not ghosts/spirits people's the devil...?

by Guest56527  |  earlier

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...why would devils waste their time hanging around old prisons....houses that are empty... empty insane asylums etc?

It seems like they'd be out where people are so they can deceive them. Will someone explain this reasoning, they can be devils? I can understand that they could be evil spirits/ghosts...but not devils.




  1. lol

    This like everything else is just individual opinions.

    Just because one may have passed in a horrible, painful death & they choose to act appropiatly in the afterlife, does not make them the "devil" or "evil".

    They are angry & have been tortured close to the time of death.

    If you died in that manner, do you think you would be the sweet little spirit?

  2. I don't believe that at all. I think all the demons in this world are too busy trying to posses people to be worried about hanging out with a bunch of lost souls...and although some spirits ARE negitive in energy, there is ALWAYS an opposite to everything...even SCIENCE can't argue with that! Some Christians don't believe in ghosts or spirits and try to pass them all off as devils (which is VERY narrowminded indeed),  and I don't really know, Deenie. I can't properly answer your question b/c I'm still trying to figure out why the Catholics are so "Qualified" to perform excorsisms when supposedly there's no h**l (just pergatory) and the spiritual realm always seems to be so "Non-existant" to so many churchgoers who are supposedly there to learn about and improve their "spirituality." So in a nutshell, I'm just as confused as you are.

  3. Actually h**l has been getting a little more hot with the global warming thing you careless humans have provoked so we the cenobites have decided to refresh or dark spirits by hanging around this cold houses and asylums , dont worry all spirits are in h**l , we take care of them , darling  dont worry . Some of your ancestors want to say hi!

    Peter here she is!!! , why dont we visit her cozy little room just the same day of her birthday!

    We have such sights to show you!

  4. Human spirits can be evil, but that doesnt make them demons, or the devil...

  5. The ghosts that you're asking are certainly not evils. Maybe they need somebody to listen to their message, something that they haven't do or fail to do while they're alive. Not all people who claim to see ghosts said that they're also deceived by ghosts.

  6. Some people say that because of their religious beliefs.   It's amazing how a person's belief system can affect his/her perception of unusual events.  

    Once an elderly lady who was in the hospital told me that she had seen "the devil" dancing on her bed after she had prayed for a young man who had committed suicide.   If she wasn't just making up a story, then  what she "saw" was, I think, influenced by what clergy in her religion had told her about people who commit suicide.

    I wonder if all those people who believe in " the devil" have somehow created an archeotype in  the collective unconscious.

  7. I'm with you Denie.  I don't think demons are responsible for hauntings at all.  On the other hand, I don't think the spirits of dead people are either, for the same reason you present regarding demons.

  8. They aren't devils,they are lost.

  9. Fuuny, I've thought that too, which also collides with my religious teachings.....There's only One Devil, Satan, Lucifer....whatever you decide to call him...Heck let's even throw in Morgoth, LOL!

  10. The concept of the devil or satan was a fabrication by religions to keep their congregation in check.  They don't exist except in the minds of those that want to think there is black and white in every situation.

  11. I agree with Pascha.  It's actually worse than that.  I had a qigong class at a local hair dresser's place.  Actually, she was quite a natural at energy healings, and I started the class there just to support her and teach her the fundamentals which would protect her and help her to heal more people more safely and effectively.

    Before every qigong class I would do a Reiki protection ritual.  But one night I asked her to substitute for me at the class.  After the class she recapped what she covered in class and mentioned that she was visited by someone's spirit guide, because the spirit gravitated towards an attractive young mother.  She was quite proud that she didn't need that remnant of masculine fear (the protection ritual) and that feminine love and acceptance had brought the visitation.  I told her I was happy for her and the class if that is the case.

    The following class the young mother caught me after class and complained about a poltergeist which was throwing things around the house and terrorizing her children since the last class.  "Well, here's another fine mess you've gotten us into, Ollie!"

    Here's an example of someone's spiritual desires or ego totally misreading a spirit's goodness or intention and instead of casting it out, allowed it to go home with a student.

    I have not encountered a demon, but have no doubt they exist because demons are not just mentioned in Judaeo Christian traditions, but just about every major religion that I can think of.  Also, I have experienced divine aid directly and think that because the universe must be balanced, that the opposite of divine and angelic forces must exist somewhere.  I don't want to know.

  12. Spirits can be good or evil. Not all sightings are the 'work of the devil'. Our limited understanding leads to lots of speculation, but it would be a rash person who set themselves up as an 'expert'. My experience has been about 50/50 good/evil, about what you find in everyday life.

  13. Well most people like pshycics would consider most spirits bad but how could they know that it's bad maybe it's a spirit who wants that house to be left untouch by the owner who now owns it. I don't know about demons they could disguise themselves as something like a animal spirit like a hellhound oor a black cat something obvious that you may see everyday when you go on a walk anywhere.

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