
Since the Bible says that divination is evil, how could Bush's **pre-emptive** invasion of Iraq NOT be evil??

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Iraq had NOTHING to do with 9/11, little squirt.




  1. who said it wasn't evil?

  2. The invasion was recommended by the likes of Kerry, both Clintons, Kofi Annan and almost every other Dem.  So it wasn't pre-emptive, and last I looked pre-emptive does  not look like divination.  

    Can BO's pastor be considered evil for screaming "G" Dam America.

  3. who said that bush isn't a racist and not evil????

  4. Everything Dubsy does is evil.

    When Dirrrrty d**k Cheney is shoving a hot poker up your cornhole, you'd be a little bit evil too.

  5. of course it's evil but it was necessary for this country to maintain it's supremacy.

    google "petrodollar"  

  6. Cause the Big G himself spake to Bush and commandeth him to do it

  7. Didn't he say that God told him to invade Iraq? If he prayed and God told him what to do then that's not divination that's obedience to the Lord.

  8. Think about it little squirt, Iraq Would have never benn invaded if 9/11 did not happen.-------Iraq had more to do with it then you think. Sorry, I forgot you can't think on your own. Isn't Iraq a terror nation before the USA invaded it, yes it was.---By the way you are the little squirt, because I have been a Christain way longer then you have been on this earth, let alone then how old you are, I am 58 & been a Christain for over 38 yrs.

  9. Simple.

    President Bush doesn't know what divination is.

  10. the bible also says to love those that are your enemies

  11. Three points:

    1.  The Bible is normally misinterpreted and misunderstood.

    2. The evil of divination is if it takes one attention from God.

    3. The division between Spirituality and the physical plane events is an Absolute.  Individuals who engage in wrongful acts on the physical plane accrue Karmic debts, and these will be reaped on the physical plane by the person who commits the acts.

    Those who hold resentment for the President for actions taken for the nation accrue such Karmic debts, and these will cause these people to take another life on the physical plane to reap the result of their negative thoughts.


  12. What's the connect?

  13. I certainly don't agree with the war in Iraq, but if the Lord tells you something, it isn't the same as going to a psychic to tell you something.

    Essentially, what's sinful about divination is that you're getting your information about the future from a spiritual source *other than the Lord*.

    Again, let me say that I do not support the war in Iraq and doubt highly the God told Bush to invade. But divination and the gift of prophecy are not the same even if they might appear that way. According to the Bible, one's power source is demons, the other's is the Lord.

  14. Because the Bible is not divine.

  15. Maybe the divination the Bible is talking about refers to finding water. IDK

    Scripture reference please.

    Sending you a smile to help pick up your day.

  16. It was evil, and it wasn't a just war. Anyone who thinks it was is brainwashed.

  17. Forethought and planning aren't a sin.

    neither is making a mistake.

    It could only have been condemned as divination if Bush had used astrologers or consulted the "spirit world" to a make the decision.

    Than again,, that might be a possibility.. him being Skull and Bones.

  18. I don't get all them words but the war in Iraq is unnecessary and Bush is stupid

    who's little squirt?

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