
Since the Constitution exists as a restriction on government power . . .?

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. . . should we be surprised that the government works so hard to dilute the Constitution?




  1. yes we should

    but sadly most of us aren't ):

    people are becoming stupid ):

  2. I don't think the Constitution has acted as a restriction on government for many, many moons.

    Just look around. How many aspects of your daily life fall under at least one law or ordnance. The only freedom we actually enjoy is the freedom to toe the line or pay the consequences.

  3. "The price of liberty is eternal vigilance."

    " if taxpayers don’t have legal standing, no one does. In terms of government spending, the establishment clause would be rendered merely advisory.

    That, of course, is how the Bush administration prefers its constitutional constraints..."

  4. No, government is broken into three different systems, each to prevent one from gaining power over another. The Constitution is a kind of law. The government amends the Constitution if people deem some parts of it restricting peoples rights.

    Supposed to be people having more power than government in America.

  5. Where to begin, where to begin...

    The Constitution exists to enable government power. The Bill of Rights exists to protect the rights of individuals.

    But what is the government? If it is anything but the will of the people, a reflection of their desires, it is because over time, the people (that would be you) have given away their rights and refused to stand up for them, usually because they were being bought off. New jobs in our state? Vote for the man who brings them, never mind that he is also lining his own pockets and junketing around the world.

    In a democracy - and even in a republic like ours (you do know that the U.S. is not a democracy, right?) - people get the government they deserve. You are the government - and if you're not, it's your own fault.

  6. Well the people that are in the White house don`t believe in government. They think corporations should control the land and we the people should serve the economy.

  7. Surprised? No. Outraged? Yes.

    Too bad 9/10 of the American population couldn't care less... I guess FAUX News and American Idol are more interesting than freedom. : (

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