
Since the DRUG scandal that rocked the WCE why has this team failed on and off the field?

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Since the DRUG scandal that rocked the WCE why has this team failed on and off the field?




  1. Well I think that there are two possibilities here:

    1.   The culture is so strong re drugs and links with criminals that maybe they are still nearly all into them maybe more so as they'd be feeling depressed and without superstars like Cousins and Judd just cannot get it together.The drugs may be performance enhancing but you have to have talent to begin with (though they did look pretty good in parts of that match last night).

    2.    Or the Club has new disciplines in place and no drugs taken at all (???) so the performances are no longer enhancing??? and withdrawal symptoms a big problem.

  2. I call it the ostrich syndrome,basically the board and football department buried their heads in the sand when it came to discipline off the field and the players were out of control and the team has suffered from criticism and bad publicity since, which has to effect players confidence and overall moral.

    rock star treatment of players in 1 team towns can't be good either.

  3. the entire team spent too long relying on chris judd and ben cousins, they arnt coping now that they are gone and they are suffering because of it.

  4. Because they don't have their drugs anymore..............

    What are you a Collingwood fan? Oh wait....

  5. i have heard about it but i don't know much as well

  6. one player took drugs so how is it the entire playing group that are druggie??? they have lost there way, and all you people just like to bag them because for the past years they have had a reign over the game and been hard to beat. how embarressing to have 6 losses in a row, how embaressing to finish either on the bottom or very close to the bottom for almost 10 years in a row like carlton, or how about collingwood, they made it to 2 grandfinals and they lost both of them, and havnt been a serious contender since, what about port they made it to the grandfinal last year and got beaten by more then 100 points. other fans just want to blame the drugs incidents with cousins because they have nothing else to critisise them on.. regardless of what ben cousins has done he is still and always be a biggest champion

  7. The Eagles are doing great with there off Field, but when ya lose players like Judd and Cousins it makes things hard

  8. Woah X man your in a vicious eagle eating mood tonight!!

    You've left a lovely wide gap for us to jump in and attack..

    I will select my words wisely and say......

    Yes It is curious that the two events coincide each other and though I know this might suggest drug usage throughout the team, it could also be a struggle to find form and direction after a savage scandal...

    There must be alot of focus on other areas of the club at the moment and less focus on field..

    But yes very curious....

  9. If you think the eagles are the only club that has players that do drugs then you are seriously ignorant.

    Maybe if collingwood stopped sucking up to the afl to get all sorts of favours from them then the afl would be fair.

    The eagles are finished with their drug stage.

    GET OVER YOURSELF! You seriously have psychological problems!

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