
Since the Murder rate in Chicago is higher than Baghdad would you support a Federal Withdrawl from Chicago?

by Guest56088  |  earlier

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Since the Murder rate in Chicago is higher than Baghdad would you support a Federal Withdrawl from Chicago?




  1. Why not, then they could stop paying 25% of their paychecks and other taxes to the Federal government too.

  2. Its also funny how the administration emphasized how important a physical walled border is between Egypt and the palestinians, but they say  physical border just doesn't work against here.

  3. Sure is it not True Chicago is the Mafia capital of the world.

    Yes pull the Troops out of DC also it is time for us to stop the US insurgency.

  4. of course

  5. We need to get the h**l out of Iraq and take care of our own problems be for we try to fix the rest of the world.

    Our nation needs to heed this. "Remove the log from your own eye be for you try and remove the speck from your neighbors eye"

  6. no,no,no,most murders in chicago are committed by blacks,hispanics,and illegal mexicans,i.e. democrat/liberal voters,it`s ok for Americans to die on American soil,it`s just not ok for Americans to die on foreign soils,American babies dying,(abortion,child abuse),on American soil ok,American son`s,and daughters dying in gov. housing projects ok,American son`s,and daughters,grandparents,parents dying on American roads ok,whats the difference if they die here,or in iraq,they will still die,the problem is an American volunteer army is being used,dems/libs hate the military,because it destroys,their allies,but no they fight harder for the life of a muslim trying to kill Americans,than they do to protect the life of an American!

  7. Just make Iraq the 51st state then our troops are "home."

  8. I'd support bringing our troops home to bring the murder rate down here, first.

    If we have needs here, why are we spending money elsewhere?

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