
Since the Nuggets are so intersted in getting back some cap space what do you think of this trade?

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Pros: Solid Scorer , Veteran Leadership, Overall Playmaker in Iverson

Cons: Iverson is a ball hog, if they resign Gordon and Deng there will be 3 pretty good scorers and we all know A.I. has a hard time sharing the ball, he will be a liability on defense because of his size.


Pros: Get a veteran big man with Camby's departure, get a good point guard who can shoot the 3 and compliment Melo better than A.I. could, and Gooden is a good insurance policy for Nene and Martin who are injury prone.

Cons: Hinrich is not the best defender and he is also not as consistent with his numbers as Iverson, Gooden is no Camby and he is known to have defensive lapses, Lose their leading scorer putting more pressure on Melo to score most the points.

So you tell me do the pros outweigh the cons? Or vice versa?




  1. this would help with the cap space and give the nuggets a good pg, this is also good because next year amare stoudmire is a free agent and he would be a great pick up for them if they let gooden go since they will have so much cap space

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